In the second part of our Alexa tutorial series, we explore Alexa Skills, learn how to design a voice user interface (VUI), and build a custom Alexa skill called "Bitrise CI" from scratch.
Deltek Vantagepoint is the newly branded, freshly reimagined next version of Deltek Vision built specifically for professional services organizations. Deltek has set a rough deadline for Vision customers to upgrade to Vantagepoint. While this date may be delayed based on rate of adoption, many Deltek users have either already upgraded or are starting to consider the impact of the change, and how to best approach it.
OPcache is a form of caching system that caches precompiled script bytecode in a server's memory, allowing a web page to load faster each time a user accesses it. With the OPcache PHP OPcode caching system, you can speed up your website three times. In this article, we will discuss what is OPcache and how to use it to speed up your website.
GraphQL is a comprehensive approach to guiding software developers in constructing data-driven applications. It is sometimes referred to be a platform or programming language agnostic query language. It is, in our opinion, the new API standard, allowing client applications to request particular data from the database rather than a full record. This article will teach you some of the core ideas needed to create a GraphQL API that uses Laravel.
The term “AI-first” has received its share of attention lately, especially in the boardroom where strategies to gain a competitive advantage are always welcome. But before a company embarks on an AI-first strategy, it pays to understand what it is and how it will transform the organization.
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) is a framework used by businesses, investors, and consumers to determine how conscious an entity is with respect to those three concepts. Consumer awareness paired with an increase in government regulation have shifted businesses’ priorities. For many large corporations, ESG now tops the list. Today’s consumers want to know where their products and services come from and that the companies behind them operate with ESG factors in mind.