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One-Time Authorization Code for REST APIs in WSO2 Identity Server

WSO2 Identity Server provides many identity management workflows and password management workflows out of the box, e.g., self-registration, user invitations, password recovery, etc. However, it is not unusual to come across a situation where the workflow capabilities provided out of the box in the product, is not sufficient to fulfill your business requirement.

Re-issue Existing Password Recovery Confirmation Code in Followed Recovery or Resend Requests

Photo by Micah Williams on Unsplash This article discusses a new feature which will be released for the public distribution of WSO2 Identity Server 5.12.0. This feature was developed to overcome the following scenario: You can refer to the following diagram for a deeper understanding of the above flow. This scenario can be experienced by anyone. As such, we introduced a new way to handle this scenario (as shown below) for the notification based password recovery flow.

Best Practices and Business Benefits of DevOps Transformation

Every enterprise in today’s competitive environment is undergoing digital transformation. Businesses are attempting to improve their present IT infrastructure and techniques while welcoming new technologies and software development approaches to stay ahead of the competition. Enterprises’ ability to achieve all of this is highly dependent on their willingness to implement best practices for a successful DevOps transformation.

2022 Data Delivery and Consumption Patterns Survey: Highlights and Key Findings

As big data continues to grow exponentially, enterprises are discovering that legacy data environments (e.g. data warehouse or data mart) were never designed to efficiently process and extract insights from the vast volumes of data they generate today. In turn, enterprises are shifting investments away from legacy data environments and searching for future-proof alternatives (e.g., data lakes, data lakehouse, data fabric, or data mesh) to support data-driven, new-generation initiatives.