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When Prioritizing Onsite Employees' Health, Use a Flexible Tracking Solution

When the global vaccine rollout began in December 2020, many organizations, public and private, projected a safe return to the office by late 2021. But with the rise in COVID-19 cases that resulted from the Delta and Omicron variants, millions of people put these plans on hold, pushed them back, or otherwise adjusted.

Low-Code vs. High-Code: Compare Developer Careers, Earning Potential, and More

Low-code is becoming an increasingly common tool for developers. IDC predicts that the global population of low-code developers will grow at three times the rate of the general developer population over the next four years. For developers, low-code is the beginning of a new era in software development. Rather than replacing other methodologies, it’s a powerful tool to add to your app development toolkit. But what does low-code mean for professional developers?

The 5 Types of Data Processing

As the business landscape continues to evolve, companies are becoming increasingly more reliant on their data. However, before you can utilize any data for the benefit of your company, you must first process both the structured and unstructured data that you collect. While the simplest and most well-known form of data processing is data visualization, there are several different data processing methods that are commonly used to interact with data.

Why is AWS Redshift Used? Has the Answer

Amazon uses a lot of adjectives to describe its cloud data warehouse: AWS Redshift is "fast," "simple" and "cost-effective." It's also popular. GE, McDonald's, Bosch, Coca Cola, and countless other brands, ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies, have added Redshift to their tech stacks. But why is AWS Redshift used? And why is it the world's No.1 cloud data warehouse? Below, learn more about what Redshift does, how it does it, and why it could be a great fit for your organization.

Choosing the right network architecture for your Apigee-fueled APIs

API gateways are a critical component of a modern architecture. Apigee X is Google Cloud's API management platform. It also allows users of the legacy Apigee Edge product to leverage Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) products and features, like Cloud Armor and Load Balancers. With these new security and availability advantages come a new set of challenges. The biggest challenge is accessing API backends in multiple VPCs. This introduces VPC peering transitivity restrictions.

Harnessing the Power of Insomnia Plugins

Insomnia is a fast and lightweight open source desktop application that doubles as a tool for API design and testing and as an API client for making HTTP requests. It has built-in support for REST Client, gRPC and GraphQL. All of that is just what you get out of the box. Many users of Insomnia aren’t aware of its secret menu: plugins. Plugins are key to enhancing your usage of Insomnia. Insomnia already boasts a library of nearly 350 plugins, and they’re quick and simple to install.

Using gRPC with Python

Microservice is now the architecture of choice for many developers when crafting cloud-native applications. A microservices application is a collection of loosely coupled services that communicate with each other, enhancing collaboration, maintainability, scalability, and deployment. There are several options for enabling this communication between microservices. REST is the most popular among developers, sometimes used synonymously with APIs. However, gRPC can be a better alternative to REST.

Top 3 Reasons Spreadsheets Miss the Mark for Cap Table Management

Cap tables are a valuable tool for a close look at the equity capitalization within your organization. But relying on static spreadsheets makes it difficult to gain a comprehensive, real-time view of your capitalization structure. Sifting through spreadsheets manually and reconciling disconnected systems are both time-consuming and cumbersome.