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Best Unit Testing Frameworks in Selenium for Test Automation

Unit testing ensures that every feature or component of a program functions as intended. Unit testing is carried out by developers during the development sprint stages. This assists them in identifying and correcting tiny faults that might lead to larger issues in later stages. Previously, conducting unit tests on a built module was a time-consuming and laborious effort since developers had to manually test code for each component. As a result, final release dates were pushed back.

Software Defect Life Cycle

A defect, in simple language, is a flaw in a system i.e., a system is not working as it should. Defects are also called bugs or faults. In case of software, when the software code has been built, it is executed and then any defects may cause the system to fail to do what it should do (or do something it shouldn't), causing a failure. However, not all defects result in failures.

Test and Optimize Your Ruby on Rails Database Performance

In this article, you will learn how to test database performance in Rails and solve some of the most common database performance issues. When you develop a Rails application, ActiveRecord is the default tool that manages your database. ActiveRecord provides an easy and fast interface to query and insert data using commands like.where, .save, .create, and.update. Rails does the work of converting these commands to SQL queries, which is a good thing, but sometimes can cause performance issues.

How Will First-party Data Be the Game Changer of 2022?

A lot of things got easier in 2021 as technology advanced tremendously to continue making the digital world more accessible and integrated into our everyday lives. But luckily there was something that got harder in 2021: being irresponsible with data. You see, with great power comes great responsibility, and as people’s data gets poured online, more and more restrictions appear to ensure that data is always safe, without exceptions.

Feature Spotlight: Centralized Log Collection

Speedscale is proud to announce its Centralized Log Collection capability. When diagnosing the source of problems in your API, more information is better. For most engineers, the diagnosis process usually starts with the application logs. Unfortunately, logs are usually either discarded or stored in Observability systems that engineers don’t have direct access to. Compounding this issue is that the log information is typically not correlated to what calls were made against the API.

3 Steps to Successful Process Mining

Processes exist within organizations to help them carry out the tasks and activities necessary to keep the business running. But often, these processes don’t run as smoothly as they should. Inefficiencies creep in, certain activities take longer than necessary, or important steps are skipped altogether. How can you get at the root of the issues that are bogging down your processes to get them running more smoothly and efficiently? The old approach to process optimization is no longer enough.

The Ultimate Guide to Data Aggregation

Data aggregation is the process of gathering data from different sources and combining them into one place. Data aggregators can be used for many things, including predicting trends, identifying potential customers, tracking your competitors, analyzing customer feedback on social media, and much more. This guide will introduce you to all the ways that data aggregation can help your business.

96 Percent of Businesses Can't Be Wrong: How Hybrid Cloud Came to Dominate the Data Sector

According to 451 Research, 96% of enterprises are actively pursuing a hybrid IT strategy. Modern, real-time businesses require accelerated cycles of innovation that are expensive and difficult to maintain with legacy data platforms. Cloud technologies and respective service providers have evolved solutions to address these challenges.