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Playing Offense Against Ransomware with a Modern Data Infrastructure

Has your company faced a ransomware attack yet? If not, count yourself lucky, for now. A June 2021 article in Cybersecurity Ventures predicts that ransomware will cost its victims approximately $265 billion annually by 2031. And, according to CRN, “Victims of the 10 biggest cyber and ransomware attacks of 2021 were hit with ransom demands totaling nearly $320 million.”

What is Artifact Review?

Quality software starts with code review, but quality doesn’t begin and end with code. Documents and artifacts need proper attention to make sure nothing slips through the cracks. To ensure quality software, it's essential to review the software artifacts left behind from the code review process. If code review is the unglamorous task of eating your vegetables, artifact review might as well be getting your 10,000 steps in. Both can be downright boring, but they're good for you.

Maintaining End-to-End Testing using Cypress with TestQuality

When you're in the early stages of launching a startup, rapid iteration and determining product-market fit should be your top priorities. Unless you know exactly what you need to build, you should write code quickly only to discard it later. Working on test automation doesn't really fit in at this early stage. However, as you develop your product and gain customers, you will need to expand your testing infrastructure or risk losing customers and acceleration.

Load test WordPress + nginx on Kubernetes

Why this combination you ask? Load testing is my passion, and I am partial to Kubernetes. I challenged myself to share a use case that many could relate to, focused on a business critical application. Websites came to mind and WordPress is the world’s most popular website management system. Of course, nginx is the most popular web server so let’s throw that into the mix. And Kubernetes? With more than 50% of corporations adopting Kubernetes in 2021, what better system to run in.

The 4 main factors to consider as part of your test automation strategy

We recently talked to Angie Jones in a podcast episode dedicated to best practices in software testing. In this article, drawing on our previous discussion, we’ll share her thoughts about the main factors to consider to build a comprehensive test automation strategy.

How to Resolve the NoSuchFieldError in Java

The NoSuchFieldError is an error in Java that occurs when a specified field does not exist. It is thrown when an application attempts to access or modify a field of an object or a static field of a class but the object or class no longer contains that field. The NoSuchFieldError only occurs during runtime if the definition of a class has changed incompatibly. Since it is thrown at runtime, it does not need to be declared in the throws clause of a method or constructor.

Startup Program From Moesif Improves Developer Journey

Interested in taking your product to the next stage of growth but have missing metrics? We understand that as a startup, companies are laser focused on getting their product out the door. Founding teams today don’t want to (or need to) create their own user management, billing, or other analytics tools. By forging partnerships with best-in-breed providers, startups can take advantage of these analytical tools without wasting engineering manpower to create in-house toolkits.