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Announcing the GA of Cloudera DataFlow for the Public Cloud

Are you ready to turbo-charge your data flows on the cloud for maximum speed and efficiency? We are excited to announce the general availability of Cloudera DataFlow for the Public Cloud (CDF-PC) – a brand new experience on the Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) to address some of the key operational and monitoring challenges of standard Apache NiFi clusters that are overloaded with high-performant flows.

Cloudera DataFlow for the Public Cloud: A technical deep dive

We just announced Cloudera DataFlow for the Public Cloud (CDF-PC), the first cloud-native runtime for Apache NiFi data flows. CDF-PC enables Apache NiFi users to run their existing data flows on a managed, auto-scaling platform with a streamlined way to deploy NiFi data flows and a central monitoring dashboard making it easier than ever before to operate NiFi data flows at scale in the public cloud.

Event-Driven Architecture is unblocking data-driven decisions in shipping

In March 2021, a 200,000 tonne ship got stuck in the Suez Canal, and the global shipping industry suddenly caught the world’s attention. It made us realize ships play an important role in our daily lives. Really important in fact; 90% of the things we consume arrive by ship. Take a look at this map. By visualizing vessel routes over time, the pattern creates a map of the earth. Note the lack of vessels travelling close to the coast of Somalia where piracy is common.

14 Useful Bash Aliases that Make Shell Less Complex and More Fun

Do you frequently find yourself typing a long command on the command line or checking the bash history for a command you've already typed? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, bash aliases will come in helpful. You can use aliases in Bash to create a shortcut command for a longer command. When working on the command line, bash aliases are essentially shortcuts that can save you time and effort by eliminating the need to remember long commands.

5 Signs you need to implement Automated web testing

We now live on the internet! DataReportal states that around 4.80 billion of the global population use the internet, as of July 2021. That’s around 61% of the entire world population. From reading the news and booking tickets to buying groceries and meeting people — everything is now online. In the vast ocean of mobile apps and websites/web apps, we’re going to talk about web apps and web testing in this post.

How to choose a tool when shift left testing is your requirement?

Traditional Software Development Life Cycle such as Waterfall Model relied on step by step movement from left to right in SDLC. It started from requirement gathering and moved towards the right one step at a time. Evidently, testing came last in the cycle and any delays in it resulted in coinciding with the deadlines. That had the testing team stressed out because the bugs should be identified and fixed before the software release.

How to Make Digital Transformation Work

The best way to appreciate key concepts involving digital transformation is to look at real-world examples. In a recent Kong webinar, I sat down with Solutions Engineer Ahmed Koshok as he reviewed several real-world case studies that help illuminate the role of microservices in making digital transformation successful for organizations. The case studies included Papa John’s, NextJ Systems, and Yahoo! Japan.

Monolithic vs Microservices Architecture

Microservices are an accelerating trend thanks to rousing endorsements from the likes of Google, Netflix, and Amazon. The microservice architecture is advantageous for it’s scalability, agility and flexibility. In contrast, the monolithic approach is the traditional tried-and-true model for building software. It’s much easier to debug and test. But how do you know which approach is best for your organization?

Securing Your SQL Server Application: Enabling Client-Initiated Encrypted Connections

In the previous article we discussed how to enable a server initiated encrypted connection to a Microsoft SQL Server. But what if we have a scenario where we do not want to incur the overhead of encryption for every application? In that scenario instead of configuring the server to force encryption we will instead need the client to initiate the encrypted connection.