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The What's, How's and Why's of SFTP

When it comes to the exposure of data, no other period in history has posed the magnitude of risks and regulations companies face today. Companies in any industry — but particularly those in healthcare, finance, and government — must keep cybersecurity top-of-mind to avoid data breaches of personally identifiable information (PII). Not only are data breaches a threat to company reputation, but compliance issues can also lead to hefty fines and, in extreme cases, imprisonment.

What is gRPC framework? How can we use it more effectively?

It was in 2015 that Google first developed gRPC as an extension of RPC(Remote Procedure Call) to link all its microservices. It was a closed tool operated only in their infrastructure then, but later, they opened it to the public, and gRPC has grown since then with community support. Now, it’s part of the CNFC project.

When to Use Playwright Over Puppeteer in Node.js

Playwright and Puppeteer have emerged as two of the most powerful end-to-end testing Node.js libraries. Their robust APIs make it easier to test the UI and workflows of sites and web applications. Although they are similar tools that offer comparable features, there are circumstances in which one is better to use than the other. In this article, we'll look at scenarios where it's better to use Playwright than Puppeteer for functionality and performance reasons.

AI Like a Rockstar

Although it might seem a little early, I was just thinking: what will 2023 be remembered for? For many it will be the year that Beyonce and Taylor Swift took to stages around the world and pushed the boundaries of live music (I’m a confirmed Swiftie if you didn’t know). It is also the year of AI. When I speak with customers, they all talk about how they are steering towards AI adoption.

8 Things You Can Do With Data Apps in Keboola

Imagine this: data consumers in your organization no longer anxiously wait for essential data, self-serving data with ease and confidence. Data engineers, freed from dull routine tasks and ad-hoc requests, tackling strategic projects at speed. Meet Data Apps. This new Keboola feature empowers business teams with self-serve data while freeing data engineers to focus on high-impact work. How?

JavaScript Source Maps: Everything You Should Know

JavaScript has become an essential programming language for web developers. It is used to develop complex web applications with dynamic and interactive features. However, debugging and troubleshooting JavaScript code can be a daunting task, especially when the codebase is large. This is where JavaScript Source Maps come in handy. They provide a way to map the minified or transpiled code back to its original source code, making it easier to debug and troubleshoot issues.

An Introduction to Sidekiq for Ruby on Rails

Sidekiq allows Ruby developers to maintain fast and responsive web applications by moving time-consuming tasks into the background. With multithreading at its core, Sidekiq can process many jobs at once. This makes Sidekiq an important part of Ruby or Rails applications that handle heavy loads or perform tasks like sending emails or processing files.

9 Business Process Management Examples: See Modern BPM In Action

Business process management (BPM) can help organizations in any industry streamline processes in any department. Even though the discipline has been around for years, the benefits of BPM are as real as ever. In the short term, organizations can use BPM to decrease costs and improve efficiency, which can lead to more revenue and faster growth. In the long run, a strong BPM practice helps organizations create and maintain competitive advantage by improving their agility.