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Implementing a Hybrid Kong Konnect Data Plane in Amazon ECS

Application Modernization projects often require their workloads to run on multiple platforms which requires a hybrid model. Kong Konnect is an API lifecycle management platform delivered as a service. The Control Plane, responsible for admin tasks, is hosted in the cloud by Kong. The Data Plane, totally based on Kong Gateway, can be deployed across multiple environments including VMs, Kubernetes, Docker, etc.

Introducing Grafana Cloud k6: unified performance testing and observability

Organizations use load and performance testing to prevent issues from impacting customers, which is essential if they want to stay relevant in today’s digital-first world. And with the rise of cloud native technology and DevOps, software teams must shift performance testing left, towards development. However, traditional load and performance testing tools simply haven’t kept pace, leaving developers, operations, and QA teams siloed.

Introducing Kong Enterprise 2.8 Long Term Support

Kong is proud to announce our first-ever Long Term Support (LTS) version of Kong Enterprise. Kong Enterprise 2.8 LTS will be supported up to March 25, 2025. LTS is an industry term for a software release that is supported for a longer period of time than other releases. LTS versions are popular because once users are on an LTS version, they can rest assured that this version will continue to receive technical support and security updates during the LTS period.

Extending SmartBear's Modern Developer Focused Observability Capabilities

Today, we are very excited to announce the acquisition of Aspecto, an OpenTelemetry (OTel) pioneer whose capabilities will further extend SmartBear’s modern, developer-focused observability capabilities. Aspecto’s solution discovers modern microservice based architectures and visualizes all the real-time interactions between services and APIs through advanced distributed tracing capabilities.

AI Center of Excellence: 6 Tips for Success

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly important as organizations use it to drive innovation, enhance efficiency, improve decision making, and boost digital transformation efforts. But ensuring success requires significant, ongoing efforts. Consider setting up an AI center of excellence (CoE) to boost the success of your AI initiatives.

ETL tool comparison: How to pick the best one? [2023 Guide]

With so many ETL solutions on the market that help you streamline and automate your extract, transform, and load data pipelines, it’s hard to find the best tool for your organization. In this article, we'll simplify your ETL tool comparison by highlighting the best tools on the market right now and outlining seven criteria you can use to decide which one to use. Use this free downloadable checklist and evaluate the best tools yourself.