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Build failure rate: Why and how to find your frequently failing builds? | What, why and how to track

In this article, Co-founder and CTO Viktor Benei, explains why you should care about your build failure rate, and how you can monitor and debug builds that are failing frequently using Bitrise Insights.

DataFinOps: Holding individuals accountable for their own cloud data costs

Most organizations spend at least 37% (sometimes over 50%) more than they need to on their cloud data workloads. A lot of costs are incurred down at the individual job level, and this is usually where there’s the biggest chunk of overspending. Two of the biggest culprits are oversized resources and inefficient code. But for an organization running 10,000s or 100,000s of jobs, finding and fixing bad code or right-sizing resources is shoveling sand against the tide.

How to Enhance Jira with Native Test Management

Test management is essential to software development, ensuring applications meet quality standards. Effective test management requires a systemic approach to creating, executing, and tracking test cases. The hard part is usually incorporating test management into your existing development workflows. Many Agile organizations use Jira to manage projects, track issues, and communicate between teams.

What is Agile Methodology? How It Works, Best Practices, Tools

Agile Methodology is a people-focused, results-focused approach to software development that respects our rapidly changing world. It’s centered around adaptive planning, self-organization, and short delivery times. It’s flexible, fast, and aims for continuous improvements in quality, using tools like Scrum and eXtreme Programming.

Data Fabric Technology: Top 4 Reasons to Use It

Today, data is the lifeblood of every organization. Without it, you’re left without key insights into business processes, consumers, employees, and the overall health of your entire organization. And here’s the scariest part: most organizations are on life support due to their inability to properly manage their data and turn it into actionable insights. Data fabric technology can help in a significant way, which is why it’s been getting so much buzz recently.

IT & Text Analytics

This is a guest post by Bill Inmon, known as the father of the data warehouse. In this article, he will discuss how IT organizations often resist text analytics even though it can bring great business value. The article will then go into Bill Inman's experience with IT organizations and text analytics, highlighting the importance of text analytics and how it can be used to gain valuable insights for businesses.

What Is a Continuous Improvement Process and How Is It Implemented?

The philosophy behind continuous improvement is simple: incremental and ongoing changes to your organization result in more efficient business processes, better products, and superior customer experiences. The pursuit of excellence is familiar to many of us in our daily work, and your organization may already have a culture, goal, or process management method designed to improve performance and facilitate operational excellence.

How to Prevent Authorized Push Payment Fraud with Mobile App Testing

This recent article from Finextra regarding the UK payments watchdog consulting on new authorized push payment (APP) fraud reporting rules has me thinking. How can we prevent fraud and protect consumers – and ourselves from scams? APP fraud happens when fraudsters deceive consumers or individuals into sending a payment under false pretenses to a bank account controlled by the fraudster. Real-time payment schemes are irrevocable, so victims cannot reverse a payment once sent.

How to Find Element by Text in Selenium: Tutorial with Example

The most fundamental step in web test automation is element identification. There are numerous methods for QEs to locate elements. In Selenium, Find element by Text is used to locate a web element based on its text attribute. The text value is mostly used when the basic element identification properties, such as ID or Class, are dynamic and make it difficult to locate the web element. In such cases, it becomes very difficult to locate web elements.