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The role of Data Observability in the single source of truth

Recently I read a very informative article by Stephen Catanzano in Tech Target (Avoid data sprawl with a single source of truth). To be honest, this is an age-old challenge, and it's getting worse. IDC states that by 2025 the global datasphere will grow to 175 Zeta bytes and that 90% of the data in the world is a replica. Why does this matter? As Stephen points out in his article, a single source of truth is a fundamental concept in data management.

Moesif Awarded Best B2B Tech Product by Products That Count

Moesif has been named the Top B2B Tech Product in the 2023 Product Awards; Moesif won the Award as one of the Best Products for Product Managers. The Product Awards, presented by Products That Count in partnership with Mighty Capital and Capgemini, is the only awards show designed to celebrate the tools that help Product Managers build great products.

An Introduction to Virtual Machines: A Technical Overview

Today’s businesses need flexible technologies that let them adapt to emerging trends as quickly as possible. Many have embraced digital transformation as an adaptive strategy that can improve everything from DevOps to security. Virtual machines can also play critical roles in digital transformation and in making your organization’s technology more nimble.

Data & Traffic Are Key to Kubernetes Preview Environments

Preview environments are temporary environments where developers can test code changes before deploying them to production, also called ephemeral environments, they’re temporary and should be discarded after testing changes. Carrying out tests using accurate data is a major challenge when creating and destroying environments. Put differently, you need realistic data and traffic in the preview environment to reflect the performance of code changes in production.

Introducing nsuv

Here at NodeSource we are focused on fixing issues for the enterprise. This includes adding functionality and features to Node.js that are useful for enterprise-level deployments but would be difficult to upstream. One is the ability to execute commands remotely on Worker threads without the addition of running the inspector, such as capturing CPU profiles or heap snapshots.