Learn the latest best practices for knowing which mobile devices to test on, plus our recommended devices to test on by region and business size. With the rapidly increasing popularity and complexity of mobile apps, you need to make sure your app works as intended across various device models, operating systems, and browsers.
Learn how to use Fivetran Transformations for dbt Core* to automatically generate views in your destination of fresh, reliable formula field values from Salesforce.
Markdown makes it easy to add syntax to your plaintext documents and convert it to HTML later. PHP has robust support for parsing and rendering markdown—consider this your go-to guide for working with markdown in PHP.
We’ve recently been working with folks at Inflectra to develop an integration between Spira and OctoPerf. If you don’t know about Inflectra and Spira they offer a very cool test management solution (among other things), you should check it out. In this blog post we will highlight all the steps to follow in order to setup this integration. This way you’ll be able to see the benefits of working with both tools in your organization.
As we transition to a cloud computing architecture, data security and privacy must be given top priority. Data loss or data leakage can negatively affect an organization’s brand, reputation, and customer confidence. Data misuse is possible when multiple organizations share resources. Therefore, it is essential to protect data repositories as well as the data that is involved in processing, transport, or storage to reduce risk.
Artificial intelligence is one of the most popular, yet misunderstood phenomena in the world. Many people get their ideas about AI from apocalyptic Sci-Fi movies rather than an understanding based on science or observation. The truth is that many pieces of software, websites, and applications already use AI. An AI writing generator is not that difficult to obtain. AI can even make music, create pictures, or talk to you. Chatbots have been a thing for more than two decades.
What’s the most common strategy for testing an SAP application change — be it a custom update, a service pack or an emergency fix? Don’t test the change at all! OK, let me back up – this provocative statement is not entirely accurate. Most organizations do some testing of their SAP applications. When an update needs to be deployed into production, they make their key users test it.