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Do You Have What it Takes to Manage the Flood of Data?

In 2010, Eric Schmidt, then CEO of Google, made the startling claim that every two days we humans generate as much information as we did from the dawn of civilization to today, or about five exabytes of data. At the time, we had TB disk drives and could only imagine an exabyte, which is one million terabytes. The next increments from TB is the peta byte and then the zettabyte, which is 1,000 exabytes. By the end of 2010, the world had crossed the zettabyte threshold.

Net Revenue Formula: What Startups Should Know

Starting a small business is an exciting journey, but there are so many metrics to consider, especially when evaluating your success or demonstrating that success to stakeholders. Business finance is about so much more than the number of sales you make. Within the startup world, it’s common to hear of e-commerce companies implying that they are enjoying financial growth from the get-go.

Digital Complexity Paradigm: Digital Assurance as an Enabler for Speed

I am back with blog 3 in this series! In blog 1 I introduced the concept of the Digital Complexity Paradigm (DCP), and in blog 2, I broke down the DCP by focusing on the Technical Complexity factor of that formula. As covered in blog 2, using my favorite “digital transformation of the broom” example, the Technical Complexity enabling today’s digital is getting more and more challenging, and there is no end in sight. That in itself can be a mountain to climb.

Keep A Pulse on Your Account Health with Profile View

The Moesif product team has been staying very busy as of late! We have been listening to our partners and gathering feedback, and what we have heard is an outpouring of requests for new tooling that provides a 360-degree-vantage-point into your customers’ account health. As a result, we are very excited to announce that we have released our newest feature: Profile Dash View.

Software Testing Metrics

Ever wondered, how do you measure testing productivity or testing effectiveness? When to say testing is complete? In all such questions, QA metrics come to the rescue. QA metrics allow test leads or managers to take decisions on various situations encountered in the project life cycle. Tricky part is that QA metrics make sense only in the given context. For example, for one project 95% pass percentage is good to go live but for a safety-critical application anything less than 100% is life-threatening.

Perforce + Puppet: Better Together

Our mission is to help our customers solve the hardest challenges in DevOps and we take this mission seriously. We’ve fully embraced the opportunity to grow, build stronger communities, and bring new capabilities to enterprise teams, so there’s nothing getting in the way of innovation. Our comprehensive solutions and deep domain expertise enable those same customers to address quality, security, compliance, collaboration and speed—across the technology lifecycle, at scale.
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Kubernetes Load Test Tutorial

In this blog post we use podtato-head to demonstrate how to load test kubernetes microservices and how Speedscale can help understand the relationships between them. No, that's not a typo, podtato-head is an example microservices app from the CNCF Technical Advisory Group for Application Delivery, along with instructions on how to deploy it in numerous different ways. There are more than 10 delivery examples, you will surely learn something by going through the project. We liked it so much we forked the repo to contribute our improvements.

Why Every Programmer Should Learn Python

With a plethora of programming languages available today, the important question is “Which programming language does a programmer prioritize learning?” Without a doubt, the world of programming revolves around experienced programmers with cutting-edge coding skills. So, if you’re planning a successful career in software development, understanding the hottest, trending languages is key.

Assessing the Validity and Relevance of Data To Discover True, Actionable Information and Insights

In a previous article, we talked about the lost art of questioning and its importance when working with data and information to find actionable insights. In this article, we will expand on this topic and explain how questioning differs depending on what stage in the process you are from transforming data and information into insights.