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Building a Data Foundation to Accelerate Automation with Ansible

As we transition into the next era of information technology, organizations face increasing pressure to deliver value to customers more rapidly. As well as higher quality, flexible access to data and applications and uncompromised security. Concurrently, they must manage growing complexity, including increasingly distributed hybrid cloud architectures and data sprawl – and accompanying costs – in order to remain competitive.

Web Testing Services for E-Commerce Businesses: A Comprehensive Guide

The e-commerce market is growing. There is fierce competition with approximately 2.71 billion digital shoppers worldwide. In order to succeed in this environment, your e-commerce website needs to be both useful and interesting for users. This is where e-commerce web testing services are useful. E-commerce testing thoroughly assesses your web presence to ensure that it is trustworthy, easy to use, and safe.

Post-Quantum Hybrid Encryption with Ballerina

As highlighted in the Quantum-Safeness of WSO2 Products blog, there is an urgent need for alternative asymmetric encryption methods. Post-quantum algorithms (Q) are gradually gaining prominence but require time to establish trust within the industry. Therefore, combining classical (C) and post-quantum (Q) Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) ensures resilience against classical and quantum attacks. The Ballerina Swan Lake Update 9 release adds support for post-quantum secure end-to-end encryption.

Cloud Infrastructure Management Services: Enabling Transformation in the Age of AI and Automation

As businesses increasingly adopt cloud technologies to drive innovation, Cloud Infrastructure Management Services (CIMS) have become a cornerstone of successful digital transformation initiatives. With rapid advancements in generative AI, IoT, and connected devices, enterprises want to modernize their infrastructure, enhance integration, and automate processes to remain competitive.

What Makes Intelligent Document Processing Essential in Today's Healthcare?

Healthcare data is set to soar, with projections showing that it will grow from 2,300 exabytes in 2020 to an impressive 10,800 exabytes by 2025. To put that in perspective, that’s like having enough data to fill over 2.5 billion DVDs! What’s more is that a large portion of this data is unstructured—scanned documents, handwritten notes, and PDFs that don’t easily integrate into traditional systems. This is where Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) comes in.

Cloudera and Snowflake Partner to Deliver the Most Comprehensive Open Data Lakehouse

In August, we wrote about how in a future where distributed data architectures are inevitable, unifying and managing operational and business metadata is critical to successfully maximizing the value of data, analytics, and AI. One of the most important innovations in data management is open table formats, specifically Apache Iceberg, which fundamentally transforms the way data teams manage operational metadata in the data lake.

How to Conduct an HTTP/2 Test on APIs

Slowly but surely, HTTP/2 has become the preferred protocol for transferring data files between clients and servers. In contrast, HTTP/1, which once stood as the sole method for loading web applications, is now falling short, particularly in terms of user experience. Since 2015, HTTP/2 APIs have taken the lead with lightning-fast server responses.