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How to start linting your JavaScript Code?

Linting refers to the process of identifying potential errors in code by using a program. Initially, the lint tool, like earlier similar utilities, analyzed source code to determine which compiler optimizations could be made. In time, lint-like tools added many other types of checks and verifications. The Linting software provides developers with tools to help them write highly scalable code.

Digital Transformation for Financial Institutions: Start with the Tech You Have

Financial services institutions are playing the long game in working toward digital transformation. Considering the rapid rate of change and innovation over just the last 10 years, leading financial organizations are realizing that digital transformation isn’t a destination. It’s a journey. While there isn’t one right way to approach digital transformation, some strategies are less effective than others.

Using Apache Solr REST API in CDP Public Cloud

The Apache Solr cluster is available in CDP Public Cloud, using the “Data exploration and analytics” data hub template. In this article we will investigate how to connect to the Solr REST API running in the Public Cloud, and highlight the performance impact of session cookie configurations when Apache Knox Gateway is used to proxy the traffic to Solr servers. Information in this blog post can be useful for engineers developing Apache Solr client applications.

11 Features in Node.js 18 you need to try

Node.js 18 was released on the 19th of April this year. You can read more in the official blog post release or in the OpenJS Blog announcement. The community couldn't be more excited! If you want to lend a hand, we welcome your ideas or solutions contact us, or if you would like to help us continue supporting open source, you can contribute with an issue here.

AWS Lambdas with TypeScript: Improve the Dev Experience

In part one of this series, we successfully built a TypeScript Lambda on the AWS cloud. But we left a lot of room for improvement in terms of the developer experience. For starters, the Lambda didn’t run on a local machine, which is cumbersome. The code we wrote is also not testable, which makes refactoring hard or, at least, dangerous. In this take, let’s focus on improving the developer experience. The goal is to make the code more robust and easier to work with. Ready?

How to solve four SQL data modeling issues

SQL is the universal language of data modeling. While it is not what everyone uses, it is what most analytics engineers use. SQL is found all across the most popular modern data stack tools; ThoughtSpot’s SearchIQ query engine translates natural language query into complex SQL commands on the fly, dbt built the entire premise of their tool around SQL and Jinja. And within your Snowflake data platform, it’s used to query all your tables.

Power Up Your Data Operations with Templates & SpotApps

Gaining insights from your data can be time-consuming. Or as simple as a few clicks. Depending on if you want to do everything by yourself, or if you let us help. For example, next time one of your stakeholders asks: “Can you deliver the dashboards by the end of next week?” You can say yes with confidence, and in this blog we are going to show you why and how it is done.