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GraphQL Versus RESTAPI Which is Better for API Observability

API providers need to observe their APIs to get meaningful data about whether and how they are consumed in practice. API observability is a form of monitoring that passively logs API traffic to an observability service. Different from traditional API monitoring, with API observability you: Monitor interactions to improve developer experience Understand how customers use your API Troubleshoot your API Observing REST APIs is well understood and supported, but not every API is a REST API.

Why Content Is the Key to Unlocking Your Developer-First Marketing Strategy

Founding a developer-first startup isn’t quite the same as starting a regular company. When your primary focus is on creating products to sell to developers, you need to build a sales strategy around those developers’ needs. The occasional email with a ‘click here for a demo’ button just won’t cut it. Instead, it’s time to work on your content strategy. Why take our word for it?

You are Measuring API Active Users Wrong

API providers need to understand how their consumers are using their APIs. Usage metrics are essential because they tell you about API adoption, how your API is growing over time, and which endpoints are seeing more (or less) use. When you look at API usage metrics, you should be measuring the active users on your API in the sense that most closely aligns with your service.

LiveView Assigns: Three Common Pitfalls and Their Solutions

In the first part of this two-part series, we examined LiveView assigns in detail — demystifying assigns, looking at some key concepts, and debugging. Now, we'll turn our attention to three common mistakes that you might make with assigns and how to avoid them. Let's get started!

5 Embedded Analytics Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

As the business world shifts towards an information economy, more companies are discovering the advantages of having a business intelligence (BI) solution for analytics. Embedded analytics software boosts an organization's main functionality by integrating BI tools and analytical capability directly into software applications, rather than as a separate third-party application.

Fraud Detection with Cloudera Stream Processing Part 1

In a previous blog of this series, Turning Streams Into Data Products, we talked about the increased need for reducing the latency between data generation/ingestion and producing analytical results and insights from this data. We discussed how Cloudera Stream Processing (CSP) with Apache Kafka and Apache Flink could be used to process this data in real time and at scale. In this blog we will show a real example of how that is done, looking at how we can use CSP to perform real-time fraud detection.

JMeter: test as code solutions

The rise of the CI/CD methodologies and frameworks have shaped the daily work of application developers and testers. It allowed for the creation of the DevOps model. DevOps culture demanding “everything as code”, modern infrastructure tooling has grown to drive the management and configuration of infrastructure components “as code” alike.