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Fundamentals of Data Observability Driven Development

Before the data era, data engineers and data scientists had few resources, few technologies, and few data to build something from. But they also had little pressure from the business to create new values, and above all, it was easier to find some time to write, check and implement their applications. It had the advantage of better control of quality.

Livebook for Elixir: Just What the Docs Ordered

While initially conceived as a tool for data exploration (much like Jupyter for Python), Livebook has deservedly become a sensation in the Elixir community. It has been fantastic to see all the wonderful ways teams are leveraging Livebook for a range of different use cases. We have seen Livebooks being used to: Livebooks have also been used as the default REPL interface for project development.

PHP Nested Try-Catch

Try-catch blocks in PHP can be nested up to any desired levels and are handled in reverse order of appearance i.e. innermost exceptions are handled first. Nested blocks can be useful in case a block of code causes an exception, which can be handled within that block and program execution can continue in the outer block. They can also be useful in case the handling of an exception causes another exception.

Javascript Guide: Resolving the Reference Error

The Javascript ReferenceError occurs when referencing a variable that does not exist or has not yet been initialized in the current scope. Reference errors in Javascript are of a few different types, with variations of each, that may get triggered in code. Some of these are discussed below.