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The New Breed: How to Think About Robots

You’ve heard the saying “if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life,” right? Well, I hate to say it, but that’s me. I never dreamed that I would wind up in a field that combined all of my interests, but somehow that happened. Through my research at the MIT Media Lab I get to apply my legal and social sciences background to human-robot interaction. Which yes, does mean that I mostly get to play with robots all day.

Klocwork 2022.1 Launches Kotlin Analysis Engine

A key component of the latest release of Klocwork is the launch of the Kotlin analysis engine, which greatly enhances the static analysis and SAST tool’s offerings. In addition, the release includes a number of other significant improvements that greatly enhance the tool’s performance and functionality. Here, we provide an overview of the new analysis engine.

Five Myths of Kubernetes

The December 2021 report from the CNCF showed that 5.6 million developers use Kubernetes today. We adopted Kubernetes a little over three years ago and felt this is a good time to reflect on what we thought we were getting into and what we have actually experienced. Here are five areas where the prevailing wisdom did not match our expectations.

Heureka Group: Empowering over 5,000 e-commerce shops with data insights and generating 450k EUR per year by enriching data

Heureka Group is an online shopping advisor that prides itself in providing simple, fast, secure, and enjoyable e-commerce and price-comparison solutions across central and eastern Europe. In less than 15 years, the company has grown to more than 20 million monthly users, becoming one of Europe’s leading e-commerce platforms. Heureka Group continues to build on that success by launching and acquiring e-commerce clients across the region.

5 Best Practices for an Automation Center of Excellence

Given the array of ongoing challenges businesses face, including those posed by hybrid work and COVID-19, business automation is more important than ever. In large organizations, many business units have long been using robotic process automation (RPA) to automate simple manual tasks such as copying and pasting data. While RPA can address local needs quickly and easily, it can’t scale to deliver the complete end-to-end automation, also called hyperautomation, that modern companies need.

MeDirect Bank: Thinking ahead for a seamless transition to the cloud

MeDirect Bank is a bank and financial services company based in Malta that provides services ranging from deposit accounts to mutual funds to wealth management. The company has evolved from its regional roots to become the third largest bank in Malta, with customers all over the world. And it’s done so by evolving with its customers’ needs; providing accessible, transparent services wherever customers are — physically or digitally.

First dedicated AI management and MLOps platform on Google Cloud Marketplace

Similar to the momentum that cloud technology has had in the business world, AI and machine learning are quickly becoming essential to the enterprise. 86% of companies now view AI as a “mainstream technology,” and corporate AI adoption rose 50% in 2021 from the year prior for initiatives such as service-operations optimization and product enhancement.