Some 300 million years ago, Earth had one continent called Pangea. Over millions of years, that vast single land mass broke up and drifted in different directions, creating the seven continents that exist today. Since the planet changed so dramatically over millennia, it raises an obvious question: How will it change in the future? The same forces, plate tectonics and continental drift, that broke up Pangea hundreds of millions of years ago still exert themselves.
“Without clean data, or clean enough data, your data science is worthless.” Michael Stonebraker, adjunct professor, MIT AI is one of the fastest-growing and most popular data-driven technologies in use. Nine in ten of Fortune 1000 companies currently have ongoing investments in AI. So you may be wondering: how could there possibly be another AI winter?
Ably is a distributed pub/sub edge messaging platform that acts as the broker in realtime data streaming pipelines. Publishers send messages to Ably, and we deliver those messages to subscribers. We guarantee: In this article, we describe how Ably can make such guarantees in the face of network outages. We cover the redundancy built into our server clusters and the design we have used to ensure message ordering and exactly-once delivery.
Is it possible to create an event-based architecture on top of the existing API ecosystem? We are all creatures of convenience.