In this series of demystifying the tech trends, my colleagues and I will be looking at busting the buzzwords to help you keep on track. Concerned about puzzling parlance, analytics argot, techie terminology – or plain old jargon? This series breaks down words and concepts to give you the deepest insight and understanding into how to talk the talk in the world of tech, so you can engage in conversations with the confidence of being data literate.
When I was working at Google back in the mid 2000’s, we dealt with tens of billions of ad impressions a day, trained several machine learning models on years worth of historic data, and used frequently-updated models in ranking ads. The whole system was an amazing feat of engineering and there was no system out there that was even close to handling this much data. It took us years and hundreds of engineers to make this happen, today, the same scale can be achieved in any enterprise.
It’s been a while since the last update post in july 2021, not that we haven’t updated OctoPerf since then but the additions we’ve made are not easy to share in a blog. Allow me to take an example.
When we talk about technology, we should try to do it in the simplest possible terms. But while we hear many CEOs and other tech executives preach this advice, it’s rarely followed—and the workflow software space is no exception. Popular workflow lingo like hyperautomation, digital process automation, and intelligent automation all mean essentially the same thing: to digitize processes for efficiency, consistency, and compliance.
Better HR analytics bring benefits to every business, but data integration must come first.
These days, thanks to the Internet, any person or business can become a brand. Yet, not many of those brands manage to become known or recognizable. Building brand awareness takes a lot of time and effort, and it all starts with creating a consistent visual identity.