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Talend drives data solutions for global automotive supplier

When you take your car in for a repair, it’s almost inevitable that the mechanic will identify additional problems you didn’t realize you had. But there’s positive flip side to that coin — sometimes when you solve one problem, you end up unexpectedly creating solutions for other challenges—that was the case for this global automotive supplier. In 2019, this automotive supplier set a goal and created a roadmap to integrate its master data.

How to build a data championship team to solve business problems

Sometimes it can feel like you’re stranded on a data island, scratching “SOS” in the sand in hopes of catching the eye of anyone who can rescue you. Companies everywhere are facing an explosion of data — with more data sources, more shadow IT, more people demanding access, and a growing number of business problems that can only be solved with data. As your company’s data leader, every one of those problems lands on you.

Working with REST APIs - Flutter

Data, data, and data. Everything we see in today’s world is just data. So how can we get data into our app? How can we integrate APIs into our app? Let’s find out! There are a lot of ways we show data in our app, such as: The most common method is to show data from a database or public APIs. Even loading data from a database involves using APIs, though these can be private. So, let’s see how you can integrate APIs, fetch data from a public API, and use it in your Flutter app!

Install MongoDB on Ubuntu: 5 Easy Steps

Do you want to Install MongoDB on Ubuntu? Are you struggling to find an in-depth guide to help you set up your MongoDB database on your Ubuntu installation? If yes, then you’ve landed at the right place! Follow our easy step-by-step to seamlessly install and set your MongoDB database on any Ubuntu and Linux-powered system! This blog aims at making the installation process as smooth as possible!

Patterns and Anti-patterns in Node.js

Node.js is a backend JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine that's asynchronous and event-driven by nature. It's relatively simple to create a REST API with Node.js and use frameworks like Express.js. With this simplicity comes a lot of flexibility. However, you can get side-tracked on what patterns to follow when building scalable network-driven applications. This article focuses on some of the patterns and best practices to follow when building Node.js applications.