Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


How to Use Data Integration to Your Advantage in Ecommerce

The key things to know about data integration in Ecommerce are: Selecting the right Ecommerce platform is a crucial decision for your online store. Whether you go with Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, or another Ecommerce solution entirely, your choice will determine the features and functionality that your Ecommerce business has access to. While Ecommerce software on its own might suffice for a small business, you’ll likely be looking to expand your IT environment as your company grows.

How To Get More Results Out Of Your Embedded Analytics Platform

Today, data drives everything from strategic business decisions to workout plans. As a result, analytics, visualization, and dashboards are becoming necessary in business software, online websites, and consumer apps. With people needing quick access to data for better insights and decisions, embedded analytics has become inevitable in our work.

5 Best Leapwork Alternatives to Simplify your Test Automation

Test automation tools like Leapwork help your business focus on delivery, end-user experience, and innovation while reducing dependency on the developer. Today we’ll be reviewing these best-rated test automation tools that are just as good, if not better than Leapwork for your testing needs. You can create, execute and run all types of functional and non-functional tests for your IT enterprise with their help. Let’s start, shall we?

Build a live multiplayer game in Unity with Ably

Here at Ably one of our most recent additions has been to introduce beta support for Unity within our.NET SDK. This has been exciting for us: multiplayer functionalities are at the core of so many games these days, and we’re keen to better support and enable developers in creating these amazing experiences.

Software Test Automation Frameworks | 6 Common Types

Software testing has evolved with time to detect and lessen errors in software and applications. The key software testing trends in 2022 suggest that 63% of QA teams consider test automation over manual testing for the agility required during the software development lifecycle (SDLC) while being cost-efficient. Manual testing still holds a fair share in testing processes, but enterprises have also heavily relied on automated testing to get over tedious, repetitive, and time-consuming tasks.