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Updates from Bugfender, Q1 2022

In June, more than 200,000 people will gather at one of the most emblematic festivals in Barcelona: Primavera Sound. In addition to pleasing the visitors (which is easy considering the line-up), the organizers must ensure that the sound levels do not disturb the neighbors in the area, something complicated considering it is an open-air festival. That’s where EmmaDB comes in.

Error Reporting: Improving Outcomes with Proactive Identification

Errors happen. Despite best efforts, no piece of software is perfect. Unintentional issues with code, updates to existing frameworks, or unexpected interactions with other tools can all cause errors. As a result, it's critical for companies to deploy robust and reliable error reporting processes that help them proactively identify potential issues and improve operational outcomes.

Space-Based AI Shows the Promise of Big Data

At a distance of a million miles from Earth, the James Webb Space Telescope is pushing the edge of data transfer capabilities. The observatory launched Dec. 25 2021 on a mission to look at the early universe, at exoplanets, and at other objects of celestial interest. But first it must pass a rigorous, months-long commissioning period to make sure that the data will get back to Earth properly. Mission managers provided an update Feb.

Cost-Per-Order Formula for E-Commerce Explained

Our Five Key Points: You have a customer. They want a product: you sell that product. It’s simple, but how do you know if you’re charging the right amount for that product? Knowing how to calculate the cost per order is essential in helping you set the correct prices for your products and services. As an e-commerce retailer, you’ll naturally have lower overheads than a brick-and-mortar store.

SQL Puzzle Optimization: The UDTF Approach For A Decay Function

How do you implement a decay function in SQL? You can use window functions, which scale better than joins, or better yet, you can try what Felipe Hoffa did: use tabular UDFs. In this video, Felipe shows you how you can use a tabular UDF to write custom code that can analyze a table row by row while preserving state. Felipe wrote a table UDF in JavaScript that uses a low amount of memory to keep track of the decaying values. He was able to run it in 36 seconds, instead of the 46 seconds that the SQL with windows solution took; and then he optimized the JavaScript even further and ran it in just 9 seconds.

Business Benefits of Digitalization in Wealth Management

COVID-19 gave a big push to the wealth management industry to adopt digital transformation and implement a digital mindset. However, the key to their success will depend on the effective use of technology to advance client services and attract new investors. Cloud, Automation, Robotic Process, AI, ML, and Blockchain will play an important role in the wealth management industry due to their ability to increase transaction security, transparency, and trust. Thus, to be on a successful path, a wealth management firm needs to enhance customer experiences, data analytics, and new markets accessed by technology.

Data Warehouse Automation: What, Why, and How?

Building a data warehouse is an expensive affair and it often takes months to build one from scratch. There is also a constant struggle to keep up with the large volumes of data that is constantly generated. On top of that, setting up a strong architectural foundation, working on repetitive and mundane data validation tasks and ensuring data accuracy is another challenge. This puts tremendous stress on data teams and data warehouses. Data warehouse automation is intended to handle this growing complexity.