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Five Things Testers Wish Every CIO and CTO Understood About Testing

In a perfect world CIOs, CTOs, devs and QA teams would be perfectly aligned. Software would always function the way it was intended, security breaches would be a thing of the past and the movie Top Gun 2 would stop being delayed. Unfortunately, the world is imperfect, but there is a silver lining. Today’s CIOs understand the importance of quality, speed and the value of software testing.

How to use descriptive analytics to drive company growth?

Data analytics is invaluable to companies that want to drive growth. Research from giants like McKinsey, the Financial Times, and Google confirms it: Companies that rely on data analytics to drive business decision-making grow 2.5x faster than their lagging competitors. So how does descriptive analytics fit into the wider frame of data analytics?

Top 5 Efficient WordPress Page Builder Plugins

As you probably know, WordPress is the most popular and highly efficient content management system that is used to build and host websites all over the world. Its efficiency is precisely what made it so widely recognized among the tech world, and it seems like it will become even more desired in years to come.

WSO2 Partner Awards: Rewarding Top Performers and Emerging Partners of 2021

2021 was another great year for WSO2. Although it was business as usual in the new norm, the results were exceptional. The company acquired 145 new customers and achieved revenue growth of 31% YoY. We started our journey towards radically simplifying the creation of digital experiences for our customers by introducing new cloud platforms.

Allan Gray: Intelligent Client Onboarding Process Automation

Allan Gray, a Wealth Management company in South Africa, processes thousands of client transactions a day. They built their client onboarding process on Appian’s low-code platform with Know Your Customer (KYC) functionality and dramatically reduced the onboarding friction experienced by their clients. Watch this video to see how the lean delivery team in Cape Town has been able to deliver new features and functions every few weeks and months, instead of months and years, while drastically enhancing user and customer experience.