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Sokari Gillis-Harry: Multiple environment Flutter deployment with Bitrise | BUG: Autumn Edition

Bitrise User Groups are about Bitrise users teaching Bitrise users. Speaking at a BUG is a great way to share some knowledge, gather feedback on your workflows or just connect to the wider Bitrise community. We welcome speakers from all around the world with all levels of experience! Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below. #bitriseusergroup #mobiledevelopment #bitrise

The Role of Data in Financial Service Mergers

Ned Lowe, CTO of Singlife shares how during their merger with Aviva Singapore, the need for scalability in a data platform and a single view of the one million plus customers was needed. In the process of bringing everything together, Singlife uses Snowflake to fuel future growth. Being in a regulated industry, Snowflake’s security and governance features have ensured their customer’s data is protected.

Hook Relay Launched! Was it Fireworks or Crickets?

This week the Founders recap the initial Hook Relay launch and cover things they learned along the way. Also discussed is if developers will struggle to find purpose if products like Hook Relay make their lives too easy. Lastly, do you remember the days of converting PSDs to HTML? Tune in and prepare for launch!

Cross Browser Testing: Some tools for enterprises

Did you know that an average user takes only 0.05 seconds to form an opinion on a website? Yes, Sweor’s study on website statistics shows that users decide whether they want to use a website or not in a fraction of a second. We can also note that about 57% of the global population doesn’t recommend non-responsive websites in the same study. In general, most websites or web apps run into errors because of a solitary reason: solid cross-browser testing isn’t performed.

A Comprehensive Guide to MeiliSearch

MeiliSearch is a search API that is RESTful. It aspires to be a ready-to-use solution for everyone who wants to provide their end-users with a quick and relevant search experience. Effective search engines can need a large investment of time and money. They are only available to businesses with the financial resources to create a custom search solution tailored to their specific requirements.

Clone Yourself Through Automation to Get That Next Job

If you could clone yourself, you could get your work done a lot faster, right? And that would free up time for you to pursue new projects and advance your career. It’s an idea that Kong Vice President of Products Reza Shafii discussed recently as part of Destination: Automation, a free digital event that explored ways organizations can embrace automation to make applications and underlying technology stacks more efficient, secure and resilient.

User Profiles Are Indispensable to Great CX (and They Must Be Privacy-Compliant)

Until not very long ago, many organizations defined business strategies based on isolated figures used by isolated teams. Unfortunately for them, that approach just won’t cut it anymore. Instead, we are fastly moving to a world where data will be the critical asset for businesses, and handling it accurately will be essential to survival.

The Low-Code Checklist: Is a Low-Code Platform Your Best Option?

When you’re in the market for a technology that will help your business run better, you’re likely to hear solution and platform vendors make pitches that focus on their current features and functionality, as well as capabilities they’ve got on their innovation road maps. Impressive as these things may be, they still may not deliver the outcomes you need.

The Complete Guide to Data Modeling Techniques

Every day, data analysts face the challenge of understanding and creating reports from their data warehouse. This difficulty may stem from the fact that data comes from multiple locations and often does not cohesively align. However, with a few tools at your disposal, you can efficiently create data modeling reports based on your organization's unique business needs. These techniques are some of the most effective data modeling techniques for data analytics teams everywhere.