Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


'Hello World' to The World at Large

Discover a journey of an app as you move from the initial build to adding the technical requirements to maximize flexibility and extensibility to match growth. Discover how you can use no-code tools to deliver a scalable backend for an app with data saving, security and performance in mind as we deep-dive into the contract; the API definition that governs your application access.

10 Things Testers Wish CIOs and CTOs Knew About Testing: Episode 2

In this new series from Sauce Labs, Marcus Merrell addresses ten things he wishes CIOs and CTOs understood about testing. In episode two, Marcus dispels a common myth: The goal of testing is not perfect software, but risk mitigation. Come along on this ten-episode journey to learn some best practices while Marcus dispels some myths about the testing space.

Disrupting the credit landscape with data: A Q&A with Credit Karma CTO, Ryan Graciano

Financing in America can be a confusing and complex process. The myriad offerings, rates, and forms are daunting for even the savviest consumer. Credit Karma simplifies the lending process by anonymizing individual borrower data and procuring multiple financing offers depending on what the consumer is looking to finance. Whether it be a sofa, a car, or a house, customers no longer need to fill out multiple forms; Credit Karma is their one-stop credit application.

Why Choose Crowd Testing for Full QA Test Coverage

Whether you’re building web or mobile apps, quality assurance is a non-stop cycle of corrections, updates, and improvements. And, QA takes time. But with crowd testing, you can quickly identify software issues, fix them, and release them with confidence. Some call it crowdsourced or crowd testing. Testlio calls it networked testing. It’s an efficient way to utilize a crowd of testers to ensure complete coverage.