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Goodbye 2020 - Hello 2021 Magic Quadrant for Analytics and BI Platforms

The wait is nearly over, and soon we’ll all be privy to this year’s Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and BI Platforms. Qlik is proud of its 15-year history and ranking as a leader for the last decade in this signature research, and we are enthusiastic about sharing a complimentary copy of the full report when it publishes at this location:

How to Track Developer Experience with Docusaurus and Moesif API Analytic

If your product is an API, your customers are typically developers. While many developers aren’t fond of writing documentation for their own applications, they certainly appreciate well written docs for APIs they use. Well written docs can help developers ship their integrations and apps faster instead of getting buried in integration issues and errors.

Node.js Garbage Collection: Heap Statistics Magic Dashboard

We just released a Magic Dashboard for Garbage Collection stats for our Node.js integration. If you are leaking memory, this dashboard will help you discover and fix this problem. No setting up is required, this dashboard will magically automatically appear among the rest of your dashboards. ✨

How Common Application Issues Kill Performance

In the modern era of digital businesses, web applications need to deliver on several grounds–performance, user experience, robustness, and scalability. However, many developers might agree that performance is of the utmost importance in any software application. The bells and whistles of a fancy UI and extensive functionalities can sometimes force performance to take the back seat. Additionally, there are a lot of reasons for performance to degrade over time.

The Journey To Debugging Other People's Code

Take a look at your application as it runs on your server or the cloud. You’re so proud of it. Admire it as it’s processing data, interacting with the user, and doing magical things. You should be very proud of it- you wrote a lot of code to make it happen. But, honestly, how much of the code in your application is your code?

Work at warp-speed in the BigQuery UI

Data analysts can spend hours writing SQL each day to get the right insights. So it’s crucial that the tools in the Google Cloud Console make that job as easy and as fast as possible. Now, we’re excited to show you how BigQuery’s Cloud Console UI has been updated with radical usability improvements for more efficient work, making it easier to find the data you need and write the right SQL quickly.

Kubernetes is eating the world; you can digest K8's plume

Innovation in hypervisor technology in the early 2000’s from both commercial and open source projects was the genesis for the public cloud as we know it today. Virtualization and Moore’s law, together with advances in storage technology, mobile and wireless, created a data explosion that continues to accelerate through today.