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How does Apache Spark 3.0 increase the performance of your SQL workloads

Across nearly every sector working with complex data, Spark has quickly become the de-facto distributed computing framework for teams across the data and analytics lifecycle. One of most awaited features of Spark 3.0 is the new Adaptive Query Execution framework (AQE), which fixes the issues that have plagued a lot of Spark SQL workloads. Those were documented in early 2018 in this blog from a mixed Intel and Baidu team.

Top 3 Challenges in Cross Browser Testing and How to Tackle Them

Since the beginning of the internet era, browsers and websites have lived co-dependently. Starting from the internet explorer, then to the Mozilla project and now to at least six major browsers in the market, we have evolved quite well. But browsers and web development technologies do not seem to be in a happy relationship. To ease out the web development, developers think of new ways to have a dedicated and organised system of sustainable websites such as subgrids. Result?

How to Select the Best Cross Browser Testing Tool

Cross browser testing can be a real headache for a software tester. You may have tested your application on the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, but more often than not, some browsers such as Internet Explorer, Opera Mini, UC Browser get missed out. As a result of this, a portion of your users will not be able to view your product properly. Thanks to the cross-browser testing tools available in the market, now the cross-browser testing efforts can be significantly reduced.

5 features that make Testsigma the best cross browser compatibility testing tool

Cross Browser Testing is adopted by developers in order to ensure that an application works as intended across all combinations of devices and browsers. This will help developers to reveal issues that might have been left ignored or uncovered otherwise. Each browser comes with an exceptional blend of web support but also has certain drawbacks.

How to Log API Traffic from Envoy Proxy and Monitor Metrics with Moesif

Envoy is a high-performance C++ distributed proxy designed for microservices and service-oriented architecture, as well as a scalable communication bus and “universal data plane” designed for large scale service meshes. Envoy runs alongside every application and abstracts the network by providing common features in a platform-agnostic manner.

Using Sendgrid with Moesif API Analytics to Send Behavioral Emails

In this guide you’ll learn how to send Moesif behavioral emails with Sendgrid. Moesif behavioral emails is a feature that automatically sends emails to customers based on their API usage. This can be used to notify customers about technical issues, such as hitting rate limits, using deprecated APIs, or broken integrations. You can even use it to trigger business-related events such as when an item is shipped. If something can be mapped to an API call, then you can send an email from it.

Exploding arrays in Kafka with lateral joins

In this article we are going to explore lateral joins. "What is a lateral join?" you may ask. It's a new kind of join that allows to extract and work with the single elements found inside an array, as if the array was a normal table. Lenses 4.1 comes with a lot of new features that make your life easier when working with arrays: we introduced 6 new functions to work with arrays, better support for array literals, and lateral joins.

Data-driven Software Engineering Management. Which Data??

Leading software organisations with data-driven insights? Sure! Bring it on! But how? And where to get the right data from? Learn how to unlock your software engineering teams treasure trove of data for better decisions making. It is easy to get behind the idea of data-driven decision making in the software engineering world.