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Salesforce REST API Integration: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to integrate Salesforce with a REST API in this step-by-step guide. Discover the advantages of Salesforce REST API integration, and explore the process of authentication, making API requests, and handling data sync. Find expert tips for successful integration, empowering you to optimize Salesforce for enhanced business operations.

Prevent data issues from cascading and deliver reliable insights with Kensu + Azure Data Factory

38% of data teams spend between 20% and 40% of their time fixing data pipelines¹. Combating these data failures is a costly and stressful activity for those looking to deliver reliable data to end users. Organizations using Azure Data Factory can now benefit from the integration with Kensu to expedite this process. Their data teams can now observe data within their Azure Data Factory pipelines and receive valuable insights into data lineage, schema changes, and performance metrics.

Think Like a Data Scientist: The Importance of Building a Data-Driven Company Culture

We’ve all heard that data helps businesses make better decisions. The good news? This isn’t just speculation: research shows that companies who use data to drive decision making increase revenues by an average of more than 8%, are 23 times more likely to attract new customers, and are 19 times more likely to be profitable as a result.

How Healthcare and Life Sciences Can Unlock the Potential of Generative AI

A patient interaction turned into clinician notes in seconds, increasing patient engagement and clinical efficiency. Novel compounds designed with desired properties, accelerating drug discovery. Realistic synthetic data created at scale, expediting research in rare under-addressed disease areas.

Unlocking Team Potential by Accelerating Code Reviews

In the fast-paced world of software development, speed and efficiency are paramount. The State of DevOps 2023 report by Google has reinforced the significance of quick code reviews, claiming that teams with faster code reviews experience a staggering 50% higher software delivery performance. This finding underscores the importance of optimizing the code review process. But how can teams achieve this improvement?

The best partners will be the most ambitious ones

Why do some companies see their data team as ticket takers? How do other companies treat data teams like extensions of their decision making process to answer some of the hardest questions imaginable? Benn Stancil, Field CTO of Thoughtspot, believes ambition plays the biggest role. It’s not technical. It’s not skill. It’s the desire to work together and solve big audacious problems.

Is Shadow IT a nuisance, or does Shadow IT lead the way?

When people feel dissatisfied with the tools they are provided, it’s not uncommon for them to seek their own. This phenomena is called shadow IT and it can disrupt the trust between data leaders and business stakeholders. So what should companies do? Benn Stancil, Field CTO of Thoughtspot, believes tooling is a preference, but there needs to be some standardization so that trust does not deteriorate within the team.