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Trusted Data: Alchemy For Misinformation

The best description of untrusted data I’ve ever heard is, “We all attend the QBR – Sales, Marketing, Finance – and present quarterly results, except the Sales reports and numbers don’t match Marketing numbers and neither match Finance reports. We argue about where the numbers came from, then after 45 minutes of digging for common ground, we chuck our shovels and abandon the call in disgust.” How would you go about fixing that situation?

Enable self service and simplify management of your modern data stack using Unravel

Enable self service and simplify management of your modern data stack using Unravel Data-forward organizations struggle to hire and retain top talent to architect, build, and operate data applications and pipelines required for rapid growth. See how data observability tools enable data teams to more efficiently achieve data performance, cost, and quality SLAs. Learn how innovative companies such as Maersk, HSBC, and FirstRand Bank use Unravel to simplify and accelerate data observability at scale.

Angles Enterprise for Oracle: Operational Reporting for Oracle ERPs from insightsoftware

Angles for Oracle delivers a context-aware, process-rich business data model, a library of 1,800 pre-built, no-code business reports, and a high-performance process analytics engine for Oracle Business Applications, including EBS and OCA. This integrated solution helps you unlock your enterprise data and gain actionable insights.

Data lake vs. data mesh: Which one is right for you?

What’s the right way to manage growing volumes of enterprise data, while providing the consistency, data quality and governance required for analytics at scale? Is centralizing data management in a data lake the right approach? Or is a distributed data mesh architecture right for your organization? When it comes down to it, most organizations seeking these solutions are looking for a way to analyze data without having to move or transform it via complex extract, transform and load (ETL) pipelines.

Top 10 Data Integration Tools to Try in 2023

In the modern era, effective decision-making is powered by data-generated insights. This data is typically spread across various sources and applications. Companies can analyze each data source separately, but it won't be an efficient option since it doesn't bring the whole representation of data comprehension. And that's where data integration tools come in.

Materialized Views in SQL Stream Builder

Cloudera SQL Stream Builder (SSB) gives the power of a unified stream processing engine to non-technical users so they can integrate, aggregate, query, and analyze both streaming and batch data sources in a single SQL interface. This allows business users to define events of interest for which they need to continuously monitor and respond quickly. There are many ways to distribute the results of SSB’s continuous queries to embed actionable insights into business processes.