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Data modeling best practices for data and analytics engineers

Recently, I published an article on whether self-service BI is attainable, and spoiler alert: it certainly is. Of course, anything of value usually does require a bit of planning, collaboration, and effort. After the article was published, I began having conversations with technical leaders, analysts, and analytics engineers, and the topic of data modeling for self-service analytics came up repeatedly.

Is Self-Service BI a Hollow Promise or Crucial Capability?

As technology advances and digitization takes over, there is an expectation that our lives will be more simple. ‘Self-service’ capabilities like Self-Service BI are the manifestation of this expectation within many technologies. For most, ease of use is no longer enough. Now tools must be simple to use, and flexible enough to cater to a wide range of skills and intricacy of analysis.

9 Steps to Reduce IT Costs in 2023

Amidst growing inflation, big and small businesses are looking to cut costs to stay competitive. According to Gartner, reducing IT costs is a top priority for 40% of CFOs. Cost-saving initiatives usually focus on firing people or getting rid of un(der)used technology. This might work in the short term. For example, the IT cost reduction strategy of renegotiating service level agreements and software licenses with your service providers can impact the bottom line.

Machine Learning Accelerator with Looker and BigQuery ML

Looker is Google’s enterprise business intelligence platform for analyzing and acting on governed data. In this episode of Serverless Expeditions Extended, Martin teams up with Chris to discuss and walk through machine learning in Looker. Watch along and learn how organizations use Looker to build custom data workflows that empower users to make better business decisions. Chapters.

Why Data Leaders Need to End-to-End Business Understanding

The days of data leaders working in siloes is over. In this clip, Dora Boussias of Stryker explains why, for the modern data strategist, success is found in not only knowing the “bits and bytes” of a company’s data, but by having a holistic understanding of the company’s goals, and knowing how data will help achieve them.

Buy Your Embedded Analytics and Empower Your End-Users With the Right Data

The value of embedded analytics is unmistakable. Application teams that embed dashboards and reports drive revenue, reduce customer churn, and differentiate their software from the competition. While embedded dashboards create real value, they can also come with real costs. These costs are not always visible when companies plan for their analytics offering but can significantly impact production, scale, and the speed of bringing analytics to market.

Observe Everything

Over the past handful of years, systems architecture has evolved from monolithic approaches to applications and platforms that leverage containers, schedulers, lambda functions, and more across heterogeneous infrastructures. Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) is no different: it’s a hybrid data platform that meets organizations’ needs to get to grips with complex data anywhere, turning it into actionable insight quickly and easily.