Understanding the Differences Between OLTP and OLAP
Consider the following when choosing database processing options.
Consider the following when choosing database processing options.
The Google Cloud Public Datasets program recently published the Python Package Index (PyPI) dataset into the marketplace. PyPI is the standard repository for Python packages. If you’ve written code in Python before, you’ve probably downloaded packages from PyPI using pip or pipenv. This dataset provides statistics for all package downloads, along with metadata for each distribution. You can learn more about the underlying data and table schemas here.
The Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB), introduced by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), will transform how banks measure risk. FRTB is designed to address some fundamental weaknesses that did not get addressed in the post-2008 financial crisis regulatory reforms. In order to help make banks more resilient to drastic market changes, it will impose capital requirements that are more closely aligned with the market’s actual risk factors.
If you already have some brand awareness, so people know who you are and what you do, there are three ways that you can accelerate your sales in a virtual environment.
Data is often compared to oil – it powers today’s organizations, just like the fossil fuel powered companies of the past. Just like oil, the data that companies collect needs to be refined, structured, and easily analyzed in order for it to really provide value in the form of gaining actionable insights. Every organization today is in the process of harnessing the power of their data using advanced analytics, which is likely running on a modern data stack.
Use database connectors to uncover insights about your operations.
Today, more than ever, line-of-business users responsible for managing working capital need actionable insights in real-time. At the same time, IT/data teams want to accelerate projects, as well as modernize and integrate their data architectures and analytics, while managing risks and costs.
Cloud-based data warehouses offer unlimited scalability with the best features of both traditional data warehouses and data lakes.