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The Five Critical Pillars of Customer Identity and Access Management

In today's interconnected digital landscape, effective management of customer identities is not just a technical requirement but a strategic asset. Customer identity and access management (CIAM) systems are at the heart of this, ensuring secure and seamless user experiences across numerous digital interfaces. Whether for individual consumers or business clients, CIAM facilitates personalised interactions while safeguarding sensitive data, complying with global regulations, and improving business enablement and operational efficiency.

Optimize Your AWS Data Lake with Streamsets Data Pipelines and ChaosSearch

Many enterprises face significant challenges when it comes to building data pipelines in AWS, particularly around data ingestion. As data from diverse sources continues to grow exponentially, managing and processing it efficiently in AWS is critical. Without these capabilities, it’s harder to analyze and get any meaning from your data.

Postman Load Test Tutorial

Postman is highly popular in the testing tools space for verifying API requests. While its use for general API testing is widely adopted, conducting load testing with Postman is not as straightforward. In this post, we assume that you have some experience working with Postman and are familiar with the fundamentals of creating and sending requests. If you’re new to Postman, there are numerous resources available in the Postman Learning Center.

Why Automation Visual Testing: The Future of Software QA

Within the domain of software quality assurance, functionality and user experience hold a paramount position, and visual testing becomes an indispensable protector of the digital environment. The complexity of modern apps is always growing, thus it's critical to guarantee pixel-perfect precision and smooth visual consistency across all platforms and devices.

Shift Left: Bad Data in Event Streams, Part 2

Alright, I’m back. Time for part 2. In the first part, I covered how we handle bad data in batch processing. In particular, cutting out the bad data, replacing it, and running it again. But this strategy doesn’t work for immutable event streams as they are, well, immutable. You can’t cut out and replace bad data like you would in batch processed data sets.

The End of Manual-Only Testing

Is manual testing enough to keep up with the speed of modern development? @Allen Loew from Progressive Leasing explains that while there’s still a place for manual testing in specific cases, automation is becoming a necessity. Automation helps teams maintain the velocity required to meet deadlines. As projects grow in complexity and size, automation is essential to manage large volumes of tests and data efficiently.

The Intelligent Solution to Process Pharmaceutical Data

Pharmaceutical industry leaders are adopting new artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and increasing process efficiency. The Infosys report on AI adoption shows that pharmaceuticals are among the most mature industries in Al adoption. In the same report, 40 percent of the respondents claimed their organizations had deployed Al and that it was working as expected. AI-powered features help them manage massive volumes of pharmaceutical data with great accuracy and speed.