Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Securely Deploy Custom Apps and Models with Snowpark Container Services, Now Generally Available

Since introducing Snowpark Container Services, we’ve seen overwhelming adoption across industries from customers and partners, including Landing.AI, Relational.AI, H20.AI, SailPoint, AIR MILES, Spark NZ, and Eutelsat OneWeb. These organizations and many more are using Snowpark Container Services capabilities to easily and securely deploy everything from custom front-ends and large-scale ML training and inference to open source and homegrown models, all securely within Snowflake.

Announcing Insomnia 9.3.3 GA with 20x Better Performance, Remembering Last Open Files, and Improved Sidebar

We're pleased to announce the general availability of Kong Insomnia 9.3.3. This release ships with numerous improvements, particularly around performance. We strongly recommend updating to this latest version to get the best user experience in your daily workflow with Insomnia.

Enterprise Performance Testing: A critical element of the SAP Activate methodology

By December 2027, all SAP customers are required to have migrated to its S/4HANA platform. To streamline this mandatory migration, SAP developed its SAP Activate methodology. The methodology itself is broken down into six key phases as shown below: When we examine these phases through a quality lens, focused on ensuring that the outcome is a highly performant and scalable system – we find that the need for Enterprise Performance Testing is critical at every stage.

The Top 6 Strategic Advantages of Effective Master Data Management

Given its intricate and cross-system nature, effectively managing master data necessitates a robust technological infrastructure. The process begins with data collection, utilizing Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) and Extract, Load, Transform (ELT) processes for normalization and integration.

How to Set Idle Timeouts | Apache Flink in Action

This video covers setting an idle timeout on a watermark generator when joining data in Apache Flink. This can be used when you have two streams, one that has frequent updates, and one that has infrequent updates, and you need to join data without waiting for a fresh watermark from the infrequent one.

How Not to Cause the Next Global Outage

Skipping thorough testing? Here's why it's a risk you can't afford to take. On July 19, the world experienced what would be the largest tech outage worldwide. If you’re a software developer or tester, you've likely faced the frustration of a system failing right when it’s most critical. Did you know the complexity of today’s software is a significant reason behind these issues? It’s not just an occasional problem; it's a global challenge.

The Role of Security Testing for LLMs Implementations in Enterprises

Businesses are seeking ways to collect all the data from their digital sources and draw out patterns that can reinterpret human participation with automation. A vanguard in this attempt is the emergence of large language models (LLMs) powered by artificial intelligence (AI).

The Critical Role of API Security in the Internet of Things (IoT)

From smart homes to wearable devices to connected cars, the Internet of Things (IoT) is bringing about a new era of hyper-connectivity. Experts expect investments in the IoT ecosystem to rise above $1 trillion in 2026 — with no signs of slowing down. Application programming interfaces (APIs) are the backbone of IoT, ensuring scalability and security across billions of connected devices.

A Comprehensive Guide to Low-Code Development

Low-code gives developers the flexibility to automate and streamline large portions of workflows, applications, and end-to-end processes while still allowing room for high-code development. This dual capability accelerates project timelines and enhances developer productivity. That’s why low-code development is often used as a supplement to high-code approaches; but it can also be the primary driver of development efforts.