Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Unleashing Your Data's Potential: Virtual Storage Platform One

In the digital age, data is the lifeblood of modern business, fueling innovation and driving growth. However, as data continues to proliferate at the speed of artificial intelligence, organizations are facing critical challenges in managing and harnessing its potential.

Advanced Multi-tenancy for Elixir Applications Using Ecto

Welcome to part two of this series. In the previous tutorial, we learned about multi-tenancy, including different multi-tenancy implementation strategies. We also started building a multi-tenant Phoenix link shortening app and added basic user authentication. In this final part of the series, we'll build the link resource, associate users to links, and set up the redirect functionality in our app.

API Governance: Charting the Path to Success with Frank Kilcommins

As we dive into the ever-evolving realm of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), we discover a critical component in the digital landscape. APIs have transcended their role as mere technological connectors, transforming into strategic assets that drive the modern digital economy. Ensuring effective API governance is becoming increasingly vital to guarantee consistent, secure, and scalable development.

Introducing Data Portal in Stream Governance

Today, we’re excited to announce the general availability of Data Portal on Confluent Cloud. Data Portal is built on top of Stream Governance, the industry’s only fully managed data governance suite for Apache Kafka® and data streaming. The developer-friendly, self-service UI provides an easy and curated way to find, understand, and enrich all of your data streams, enabling users across your organization to build and launch streaming applications faster.

Build an Open Data Lakehouse with Iceberg Tables, Now in Public Preview

Apache Iceberg’s ecosystem of diverse adopters, contributors and commercial support continues to grow, establishing itself as the industry standard table format for an open data lakehouse architecture. Snowflake’s support for Iceberg Tables is now in public preview, helping customers build and integrate Snowflake into their lake architecture. In this blog post, we’ll dive deeper into the considerations for selecting an Iceberg Table catalog and how catalog conversion works.

Overcoming Challenges of Visual Testing: Towards Advanced Automation Testing

“According to BrowserStack, around 58% of companies are using visual testing in their QA cycle.” The need for creating high-performing web applications has pushed developers as well as QA teams to establish test methodologies that are ultra-productive. Be it test automation solutions or harnessing value through advanced test practices such as visual testing.

Serialization and deserialization in Node.js

Serialization and deserialization are two fundamental processes that play a pivotal role in achieving this goal, especially within the context of Node.js. Serialization and deserialization are the unsung heroes behind the scenes, responsible for converting complex data structures into formats that can be easily stored, transmitted, and reconstructed when needed. In Node.js apps where data is at the core of application functionality, a solid understanding of these processes is crucial.

7 Big Data Security Changes You Need to Know in 2024

Data security will remain one of the biggest concerns for businesses this year. According to IBM, the average data breach in 2023 cost 4.45 million - and 82% of that involved data stored in the cloud. Damages from cybercrime, including the cost of data recovery, could total $10.5 trillion annually by 2025, causing more business owners to review their data security protocols. Which specific changes should you implement in the next 12 months?