Amazon S3 is a standout storage service known for its ease of use, power, and affordability. When combined with Apache Kafka, a popular streaming platform, it can significantly reduce costs and enhance service levels. In this post, we’ll explore various ways S3 is put to work in streaming data platforms.
Imagine having to restart WhatsApp whenever you anticipate a new message, or needing to reload the page every time you expect an update on the big game. That would be a terrible user experience! Today, users expect the UI to automatically update the moment information becomes available from the backend, so, of course, we must enable them in our applications. There are a handful of technologies, techniques, and services you can use to implement live updates in React.
Tracking and analyzing your BigQuery costs will make you feel more at ease when running queries.
Whether it's invoice processing or compliance management, it's likely that your organization grapples with numerous processes centered around documents. And for many, a relentless increase in document volume without an efficient way to process them has continued to challenge productivity. The manual handling of documents not only consumes time and effort but also introduces errors, which creates more costs.