Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Rollbar Tip of the Day: Linking to AWS CloudWatch logs from Rollbar

Learn how to link to log data in AWS CloudWatch from Rollbar to help you quickly understand the root cause of an error. Rollbar is the leading continuous code improvement platform that proactively discovers, predicts, and remediates errors with real-time AI-assisted workflows. With Rollbar, developers continually improve their code and constantly innovate rather than spending time monitoring, investigating, and debugging.

Massive Data Transformation With Pepsi | Rise of The Data Cloud Podcast

Interested in how to transfer e-commerce to the cloud, what data transformation looks like on a massive scale, and how to increase your ROI? In this episode, Vaibhav Kulkarni, Head of Data Products & Infrastructure Engineering at PepsiCo, talks about these topics and more. We hope you enjoy! Connect with Vaibhav Kulkarni

Introducing the New Rollbar Integration for GitHub Enterprise Server

We’re excited to launch our new integration with GitHub that supports GitHub Enterprise Server customers. This allows companies using GitHub Enterprise on their own domains to access key features in Rollbar that help developers fix errors faster. GitHub Enterprise offers a fully integrated development platform for organizations to accelerate software innovation and secure delivery. With Rollbar, GitHub Enterprise Server customers can now access.

Differences between N|Solid SaaS and On-Prem

N|Solid SaaS is focused on small and medium-sized companies that want to start monitoring their Node.js processes. N|Solid SaaS Runs on our servers. It requires communication with our infrastructure, and we control it. You don’t need to install anything, and you can configure your processes with only three simple steps. There are three options for your SaaS plan, and you can choose the one that works best for your needs.

Data Onboarding: What You Need to Know

Getting your customer's data on the platform quickly and effectively is crucial for any business. How well you onboard new data will affect your success and your customer's experience. Effective onboarding affects so many aspects of a company's success that it's necessary to take a detailed look into all aspects of the process. The following is everything you need to know about data onboarding.