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k6 in ThoughtWorks Technology Radar

ThoughtWorks is a global software consulting company that releases an insightful Technology Radar twice a year as a round-up of the current state of technological techniques, platforms, tools, and languages or frameworks. We were pleasantly surprised to see k6 featured in the Tools section of Volume 23, the latest volume of the Technology Radar.

Why Large Enterprises Should Embrace an Open Source API Gateway

This blog post is part two of a three-part series on how we’ve scaled our API management with Kong Gateway, the world’s most popular open source API gateway. We understand that this post’s title may seem a little controversial. When we announced that our new API gateway solution might be an open source product, we got many questions from voices across the company.

How Ably's core values came to be

When I joined Ably we were a team of 13 people in an office in Camden. We weren’t long off the back of securing our Series A round, we knew lots of hiring was coming, and we needed to grow up (a bit). The culture was easily absorbed by osmosis: very welcoming, smart people, like to have a pint in the Hawley Arms. No set working hours. Lots of dogs! It’s bewildering to think how much can change in that time.

The Bare Necessities of Live Application Debugging

As R&D managers, we want to make sure our developers are happy and efficient. We want to ensure that they have the bare necessities they require to develop the best applications, whether it be the right desktops, the right headset, the right brand of coffee, and as many cookies as our budget can afford.

AI Expert Joanna Bryson Dishes on Due Diligence and Rooting Out AI Bias

There’s a lot of hype out there about artificial intelligence (AI) and how it’s revolutionizing this or transforming that. But in this timely remix of a previously published post, AI expert Joanna Bryson (@j2bryson) calls out AI hyperbole and helps us cut through the smoke and mirrors on: Note: Bryson is Professor of Ethics and Technology at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin where she educates future technologists and policymakers on digital inclusion and AI governance.

Express Cloudera POV on 2021 data trends in insurance

Almost a year into the pandemic, the accelerated digital transformation has begun to feel less abrupt and more sustained. 2021 looks likely to be defined by a new phase: Thriving on digital transformation, rather than just surviving through it. We’ve written about the changes forced on the traditionally risk-averse insurance industry by COVID-19.

Speed Up JavaScript Test Automation on the Sauce Cloud

In recent years, there’s been a shift towards broader adoption of JavaScript test automation frameworks. Today our customers are using Cypress, TestCafe, Puppeteer, and most recently, Playwright. Plus, they are often using these alongside existing Selenium and mobile test automation frameworks. The options for testing have increased, and depending on your unique testing needs, you may be adopting one or many solutions in your organization.

Qlik - Gartner Magic Quadrant for BI and Analytics Leader Again!

The new 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for BI and Analytics report is out, and you can find it here! Gartner’s brand, alongside its breadth of research by its analysts, ensures that it’s a key reference document for clients in buying situations. No wonder, then, that every year the industry anxiously awaits where dots will fall on that famous 2x2 matrix. Therefore, I’m delighted to announce that Qlik is a Leader, again, for the 11th year in a row.