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Getting More Business Value from Your Automation Investment

Automation was already well on its way to becoming a ubiquitous investment in 2020, then the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated interest and adoption. Organizations started deploying Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Intelligent Document Processing (IDP), and other automation capabilities en masse, which interacted with mission-critical systems, legacy applications, and workers in both the front and back office.

8 key considerations for choosing an Embedded Analytics solution

Historically, analytics has not always been a priority feature for software vendors. Many applications typically are built with analytics bolted-on later, as standalone tools. But the changing needs of today’s business users has accelerated the importance of providing in-built ways to monitor and explore their data while they use your software.

How to Estimate Any Website Traffic with These 3 Tools

While there are several different ways to measure the success of a site: one core metric is its traffic. Knowing how well your site performs compared to other sites is crucial in understanding how successful you have been in your efforts against competitors. This is possible if you know how much traffic your competitors are generating. Along with this, some competitor intelligence tools hand over the full list of keywords that bring traffic to a site.

Scalable Data Stack Helps Welcome Tech Empower Immigrants

Welcome Technologies builds more robust data pipelines with Fivetran to propel its work on improving the lives of immigrants through a data-first approach. Key Takeaway With its data-first approach, Welcome Tech is developing machine learning and security models to better serve the immigrant community. After building and maintaining a Postgres connector, Welcome Tech brings on Fivetran to scale its data architecture.

Implement a Canary Release with Kong for Kubernetes and Consul

From the Kong API Gateway perspective, using Consul as its Service Discovery infrastructure is one of the most well-known and common integration use cases. With this powerful combination more flexible and advanced routing policies can be implemented to address Canary Releases, A/B testings, Blue-Green deployments, etc. totally abstracted from the Gateway standpoint without having to deal with lookup procedures.

Snowflake + Fivetran + dbt: Turn Your Marketing Data Silos into Marketing Insights

The 2020 Marketing LUMAscape showcases more than 8,000 tools marketers can use to generate leads, drive brand awareness, and measure all their marketing efforts. But with all those tools, comes a lot of disparate and siloed data. How do you bring them all together in a consistent, reliable, and fast way to understand your ROI, determine attribution, and see which of your marketing efforts are working?