We’d just want to let you know that your builds running on Linux are now faster. And that this is included in your plan, so you don’t have to do anything, just enjoy the ride or read the details.
Cross-browser testing is performed to be sure that your product is working as expected on the various device, platform, and browser (and their versions) combinations that your customers might be using. With a plethora of devices and their versions in the market, it is integral to perform stringent cross-browser testing to attain a good market capture. Is it easy? No! Is it necessary? Absolutely yes! However, the pain and efforts associated can be reduced, if the cross-browser testing is cloud-based.
Does it feel like your business is paying too much for cloud services? You are not alone. Cloud costs are expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate of 10.5% to 13.1% through 2025, according to the International Data Corporation (IDC). While getting a handle on those cloud costs may be tricky, you don’t have to worry — we’ve got you covered.
Our joint customers can remain within Azure for all their cloud services, facilitating compliance and minimizing data movement costs.