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The latest News and Information on Software Testing and related technologies.

ETL Testing: What, Why, and How to Get Started

Companies use their data to accelerate business growth and overtake their competitors. To achieve this, they invest a lot in their ETL (extract-transform-load) operations, which take raw data and transform it into actionable information. It’s no wonder, then, that ETL testing is a crucial part of a well-functioning ETL process, since the ETL process generates mission-critical data.

Speeding Up Your Tests

A common complaint that I hear is: “My tests run a lot faster locally than on Sauce Labs.” Sauce Labs is in the cloud and not in your local network, so it makes sense that any given test is going to have some amount of slowdown. The advantage of Sauce Labs is that you can make up this difference by scaling up the number of tests you run at the same time.

How to Load Test OAuth secured APIs with k6?

The outline of this article is as follows: Most systems are designed to treat users differently based on their identity. Therefore, users are authenticated via various mechanisms and it's often equally important to test the performance of anonymous and authenticated endpoints. One of the most widespread authentication standards used by today's applications is OAuth. In OAuth, we use a trusted third party to verify the identity of the user.

SeleniumConf Virtual 2020 Recap

This year the Selenium Conference was held virtually, and despite that, the conference again offered an exciting place for the Selenium community to meet in order to share and learn about the most popular browser automation tool in the world. The conference offered talks about improved testing practices, new tools to simplify the setup of automated tests, the future of Selenium, and lots of learnings from speakers who shared their use cases and practical advice for how they use Selenium at work.