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The latest News and Information on Software Testing and related technologies.

Should I use the JMeter GUI for running the load tests against my application/API?

Often software developers get to ask themselves the question: Should I just run the tests in the GUI now that I finished developing them? The answer is pretty simple, NO. You should not use the GUI when running the tests. The GUI should be used only for developing the tests.

Accelerate Your Web Tests With Parallel Execution

It’s September. Students are back to school, whether that is in person or remote. Here in the States, we just celebrated the unofficial end of Summer with Labor Day. Things are likely picking up where you are, which makes it the perfect time to focus on test execution to put yourself ahead. Quality at the expense of speed, or speed at the expense of quality, is likely a challenge you have faced in your development journey.

How to install extra plugins in JMeter using the Plugins Manager?

A lot of times you will need to install some extra plugins that will help you in developing or running the performance tests. For this you will need to use the JMeter Plugins Manager. Below are the steps needed to install the Plugin Manager and install extra plugins: Written by Cristian Vazzolla.

Tech Tip: Best Practices For Using Sauce Connect

When your team moves to a cloud testing solution like Sauce Labs, creating a solid, secure connection is likely to be a top priority. One of the solutions to this challenge is Sauce Connect proxy. This is a command line tool that your team can use to create a TLS tunnel from your environment out to Sauce. This can be used to test applications that are not publicly facing; for example, if your team needs access to a local host system or a dev or staging environment.

Enterprise Capabilities in Collaborator to Tackle the New Normal

As Collaborator’s product manager, I speak with a lot of Enterprise customers throughout the year about their peer review processes, and where they see changes coming during this new age of distributed workforce. I noticed two common challenges that I’d like to explore further in this blog post through the lens of Collaborator.

Test Management 101: Integrations make continuous integration go 'round

Launching test automation tools in real time is an essential requirement for testers. That way all your results populate in a one-stop shop for continuous integration. Zephyr Enterprise allows you to integrate with Jira, Confluence, Crowd, and LDAP, continuous integration tools like Jenkins and Bamboo, and automation tools like Selenium and QTP/UFT. These diverse integrations enable you to realize the full benefits of these integrated, best-of-breed systems.

How to Install JMeter on Mac?

When starting with Apache JMeter for performance testing the first step you need to take is to install JMeter on your development machine so that you can develop the test scripts. For installing JMeter on Mac machine you have a couple of options: In case you do not know what Homebrew means, we can say just that is a package manager for macOS. (For more information on how the set up Homebrew you can find on

[Tutorial] How to Create and Execute Test Cases Using Record and Playback

Test recording is the easiest way for new automation testers to start learning and experimenting with test automation. In this first video, we'll cover how to create and execute test cases using the Record and Playback feature in Katalon Studio. Katalon's Web Recorder Utility function saves you from the time-consuming hassle of manually identifying objects on application under test by capturing your actions and converting them into runnable code in the back-end.

How Open Source Helps Bring Back Product Obsession

Did you know that one of the Sauce Labs co-founders created Selenium and that Appium was incubated in Sauce Labs? Open source is in our DNA! When a company relies heavily on open source, it is a common practice to develop strategies and long term goals to manage the relationship between the company’s products and the open source ecosystem.