
Unlock the Power of Your Marketing Data with Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics

Imagine seamlessly integrating your Google Analytics data with Snowflake, allowing you to combine it effortlessly with other key sources like CRM, ERP, social media metrics, email campaign data, and whatever data sources compose the full scope of your data estate. The good news is that it’s possible with the native Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics, now available in public preview.

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Moving to the Cloud

As we assess the technological landscape for the new year, one of the only guarantees is that technology will continue to evolve. Cloud migration and support are top-of-mind for worldwide organizations–this year, cloud computing is forecast to surpass $1 trillion worldwide for the first time. Cloud-based ERPs reduce operating costs, can help automate processes, and provide finance teams with greater autonomy.

How engagement surveys impact team effectiveness and build a high-performing culture

Growing as a company involves a myriad of elements, but ultimately, it comes down to the practices and routines that teams have. These habits have a great impact on boosting team performance and engagement, which helps the company move ahead together. Fostering a high-performance culture means creating a space where team members do their best because they are engaged, feel valued, and keep learning.

Metadata Management and Data Governance with Cloudera SDX

In this article, we will walk you through the process of implementing fine grained access control for the data governance framework within the Cloudera platform. This will allow a data office to implement access policies over metadata management assets like tags or classifications, business glossaries, and data catalog entities, laying the foundation for comprehensive data access control.

#shorts - Sankey Chart - There's a better Viz for that

The Sankey chart (Sankey chart) lets you add a specific type of flow chart to the sheet you are editing. The chart visually emphasizes major transfers or flows within defined system boundaries. The width of the chart arrows is shown proportionally to the flow quantity. The Sankey chart is included in the Visualization bundle.