
The Key Metrics That Fintech Product Managers Can't Live Without

If each product is a world in its own, each industry in which that product -or service, for that matter- is deployed, is a universe. A seemingly chaotic universe full of data coming from every direction and angle that you, the product manager, need to catch, analyze, and funnel into your every day. If this does not sound easy, it is because it is not!

Cloud Data Retention & Analysis: Unlocking the Power of Your Data

Enterprise data growth is accelerating rapidly in 2021, challenging organizations to adopt cloud data retention strategies that maximize the value of data and fulfill compliance needs while minimizing costs. To meet this challenge, organizations are adopting or refining their cloud data retention strategies. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the state of data retention and analytics in the cloud.

Sample applications for Cloudera Operational Database

Cloudera Operational Database is an operational database-as-a-service that brings ease of use and flexibility to Apache HBase. Cloudera Operational Database enables developers to quickly build future-proof applications that are architected to handle data evolution. In the previous blog posts, we looked at application development concepts and how Cloudera Operational Database (COD) interacts with other CDP services.

5 key features of any modern embedded analytics platform

Start-ups founded on analytics have been shaking up every industry. Finance has been disrupted by Monzo's data focus, Netflix’s analytics has upended film entertainment, and Swyfft has used data to change the game for US home insurance. Today's users have come to expect analytics in their applications.