Google Sheets, meet Databox.
The Google Sheets Integration is Live! Turn your Google Spreadsheets into interactive dashboards that are available on desktop, office TVs, and your mobile devices.
The Google Sheets Integration is Live! Turn your Google Spreadsheets into interactive dashboards that are available on desktop, office TVs, and your mobile devices.
Following its split from the New York Stock Exchange in 2014, Euronext became the first pan-European exchange in the eurozone, fusing together the stock markets of Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, and Paris.
Since they emerged in 2009, cryptocurrencies have experienced their share of volatility—and are a continual source of fascination. In the past year, as part of the BigQuery Public Datasets program, Google Cloud released datasets consisting of the blockchain transaction history for Bitcoin and Ethereum, to help you better understand cryptocurrency. Today, we're releasing an additional six cryptocurrency blockchains.
Scheduled Snapshots now supports both JPG and PDF formats. Now, your team and/or clients will receive your reports in a way that’s accessible, no matter what.
In Yellowfin 8, we have enhanced how our clustering infrastructure functions. If you have Yellowfin set up on a clustered environment, then you may be aware of how advantageous this can be.
Recently, they’ve made a name for themselves offering experiences, like events and travel, at heavily discounted rates. To delve into why they’ve been such a success, we have to look at one of the cornerstones of their company – their approach to data.
Like other pharmaceutical companies, Bayer Pharmaceuticals conducts research to discover new drugs, test and validate their effectiveness and safety, and introduce them to the market. That process requires accumulating, analyzing and storing vast amounts of clinical data coming from patients and healthy volunteers, which is recorded on an electronic case report form (eCRF).
Two weeks ago, we ran the annual market trends webinar. As I’m dealing with the aftermath, or “postmortem”, I’m still overwhelmed by the response to it. It clearly struck a chord (or nerve), as displayed by record attendance numbers, and the sheer interaction on and offline. There were far too many questions – over 300 – to cover off in a blog.