Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

September 2023

Snowpark ML: The 'Easy Button' for Open Source LLM Deployment in Snowflake

Companies want to train and use large language models (LLMs) with their own proprietary data. Open source generative models such as Meta’s Llama 2 are pivotal in making that possible. The next hurdle is finding a platform to harness the power of LLMs. Snowflake lets you apply near-magical generative AI transformations to your data all in Python, with the protection of its out-of-the-box governance and security features.

The Hidden Costs of Embedded Analytics: A Pricing Comparison

Embedded analytics solutions have become increasingly popular in recent years, as more organizations across multiple sectors recognize the value of integrating advanced business intelligence (BI) and analytical capabilities into their existing software applications. Such solutions allow for deeper insights from data to make more informed decisions - this is well established.

Top 5 Test Management Tools for Github and Jira: Comparison and Review

In this video 5 top test management case solutions are analyzed and reviewed showing its main advantages to be used to help you build better software with fully integrated and easy to use Test Management for high-performance teams. The fastest way to build, run, and manage test cases, plans, runs, and cycles. Easily understand the quality and performance of your tests and with powerful test analytics.

Globe Group Slashes Infra Costs and Fuels Personalized Marketing With Confluent

But their batch-based processing systems and lack of access to self-service data was slowing them down, making it difficult to harness real-time data and create the targeted marketing campaigns they needed to reach their customers..

API Analytics capabilities of WSO2 API Manager

We will be discussing the API Analytics capabilities of WSO2 API Manager in this session. By API Analytics, we talk about information we can derive from API Usage. The data on how your APIs are being used can be of great value for your organization. You will learn about the different analytics solutions WSO2 API Manager provides for you to take informed decisions about your business and APIs.

Digital Assurance for 5G Networks: Ensuring a Seamless Future

The rapid advancement of communication technologies has paved the way for the deployment of 5G networks, promising unprecedented speeds, low latency, and enhanced reliability. As 5G technology becomes increasingly integrated into our daily lives, ensuring its robustness and security has never been more critical. Digital assurance, a comprehensive testing and verification approach, plays a vital role in safeguarding the performance, stability, and overall quality of 5G networks.