Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

September 2023

Introducing Deployment Tracks in Choreo

As we continuously improve Choreo's capabilities, we're excited to introduce a significant new addition: Deployment Tracks. This empowers users to achieve backward-compatible API releases, ensuring a smoother experience for API publishers and API consumers alike. This transition will entail minor user interface (UI) changes in the Choreo console for your existing components.

Design and Deployment Considerations for Deploying Apache Kafka on AWS

Various factors can impede an organization's ability to leverage Confluent Cloud, ranging from data locality considerations to stringent internal prerequisites. For instance, specific mandates might dictate that data be confined within a customer's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), or necessitate operation within an air-gapped VPC. However, a silver lining exists even in such circumstances, as viable alternatives remain available to address these specific scenarios.

Mastering Test Orchestration: Unleash Innovation and Efficiency at Scale

This session explores an innovative solution that revolutionizes test automation in software development. We tackle common challenges, including slow test execution times, costly CI build orchestration, and the difficulty of running tests locally and at scale. You'll learn how a purpose-built solution for browser and mobile testing offers significant performance improvements, allowing for up to 70% acceleration in test automation. Come explore how test orchestration provides scalability, reliability, and flexibility while enhancing stability, increasing productivity, and enabling faster time to release.

Globe Group Slashes Infra Costs and Fuels Personalized Marketing With Confluent

But their batch-based processing systems and lack of access to self-service data was slowing them down, making it difficult to harness real-time data and create the targeted marketing campaigns they needed to reach their customers..

Snowflake Schemas vs Star Schemas: 5 key differences

In the realm of data warehousing, star and snowflake schemas play crucial roles in organizing vast amounts of data efficiently. Both of these schemas offer unique advantages and cater to distinct requirements in the data processing landscape. Before diving into the details, let’s first provide a snapshot comparison to set the scene: Star schemas are more straightforward, while snowflake schemas are a more normalized version of star schemas.

MySQL vs MS SQL Server - Which Reigns Supreme?

Today, we’re looking at MySQL vs MS SQL Server. Relational database management systems (RDBMS) form the backbone of enterprise IT. Data-driven business intelligence, analytics, and reporting workloads simply couldn’t exist without the support of a high-powered, high-performance relational database. Good databases can bring your enterprise IT to the next level—while bad databases can bring it to its knees.

Dockerfile Deployment on High-Performance MicroVMs is GA

Today, we are excited to announce the support of Dockerfile based deployments in general availability. You can now deploy any GitHub repository that contains a Dockerfile across all our locations worldwide. It can be used to deploy APIs, full-stack applications as well as workers with no extra cost. Building and deploying using Dockerfiles offers more flexibility: you can deploy any kind of application, framework, and runtime, including with custom system dependencies.

15+ Best ChatGPT Prompts for Software Testing

We’ve got something truly special in store for you. We reached out to our expansive testing community, consisting of 40,000 testers, and posed a question about leveraging GPT prompts for various software testing scenarios and tips for effective prompting. The response was nothing short of astounding, and today, we’re thrilled to bring you the incredible insights we gathered. Prepare to be amazed as we unveil 15+ best ChatGPT prompts for software testing enthusiasts like you.

Top 5 Test Management Tools for Github and Jira: Comparison and Review

In this video 5 top test management case solutions are analyzed and reviewed showing its main advantages to be used to help you build better software with fully integrated and easy to use Test Management for high-performance teams. The fastest way to build, run, and manage test cases, plans, runs, and cycles. Easily understand the quality and performance of your tests and with powerful test analytics.

API Analytics capabilities of WSO2 API Manager

We will be discussing the API Analytics capabilities of WSO2 API Manager in this session. By API Analytics, we talk about information we can derive from API Usage. The data on how your APIs are being used can be of great value for your organization. You will learn about the different analytics solutions WSO2 API Manager provides for you to take informed decisions about your business and APIs.