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September 2023

How Cigniti and Katalon reduced testing efforts by 50% for a leading cruise line in the US

Cigniti is a global digital assurance and engineering company that manages and implements enterprise digital transformation projects. One of its premier clients, a large cruise line headquartered in Florida, rolled out a fleet of the three most modern ships in the world. The cruise line commissioned Cigniti to develop web, mobile, and tablet automation supporting the back office, onboard staff, and customers.

How to use Google Charts with React for Dynamic Data

According to research from Matillon and IDG, data volumes increase by 63 percent per month on average in an organization. Examining such substantial volumes of data without the right tools makes it impossible to make informed decisions, even in small businesses. The key to deriving useful and profit-driving insights from data is data visualization - which turns complex raw figures into meaningful visual representations of the data. Google Charts is a free data visualization library provided by Google.

Choosing the Right ETL Tool for Google BigQuery Storage

Google BigQuery is a robust and scalable cloud-based data warehouse that allows storing and analyzing vast amounts of data. BigQuery is a natural choice if your data already exists on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). But before you leverage the platform, you need to extract the source data, carry out transformations, and load the data into your data lake or warehouse. This is where the ETL process and the ETL tools play a significant role.

How to Fix the "Variable Might Not Have Been Initialized" Error in Java

Variables in Java should always be initialized and assigned a value before use, otherwise you’ll get the Variable Might Not Have Been Initialized error. Imagine walking into a coffee shop and ordering your favorite latte. The barista nods, grabs a cup, and then just stares at it.

How to Fix "IndexError: List Assignment Index Out of Range" in Python

The IndexError: List Assignment Index Out of Range error occurs when you assign a value to an index that is beyond the valid range of indices in the list. As Python uses zero-based indexing, when you try to access an element at an index less than 0 or greater than or equal to the list’s length, you trigger this error. It’s not as complicated as it sounds. Think of it this way: you have a row of ten mailboxes, numbered from 0 to 9. These mailboxes represent the list in Python.

An Introduction to RuboCop for Ruby on Rails

Good code has a lot to do with how readable it is. As developers, we more often read code than write it. As my Perl teacher told us many times: the flexibility of Perl's syntax was its best and worst trait at the same time. Ruby's syntax was influenced partly by Perl and is also quite flexible. Whatever language you pick, set some guidelines to avoid overusing a language's flexibility. Style guides for Ruby abound on the web, and it's not difficult to pick a style nowadays.

New Fivetran connector streamlines data workflows for real-time insights

In a survey by the Harvard Business Review, 87% of respondents stated their organizations would be more successful if frontline workers were empowered to make important decisions in the moment. And 86% of respondents stated that they needed better technology to enable those in-the-moment decisions. Those coveted insights live at the end of a process lovingly known as the data pipeline.

SAP selects Tricentis as test automation engine of SAP Cloud ALM

Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of Tricentis Test Automation (TTA) for SAP integrated with SAP Cloud ALM. This release is the result of three years of close collaboration between Tricentis and SAP, and the result brings the best of application lifecycle management and test automation to SAP customers.

Introducing Deployment Tracks in Choreo

As we continuously improve Choreo's capabilities, we're excited to introduce a significant new addition: Deployment Tracks. This empowers users to achieve backward-compatible API releases, ensuring a smoother experience for API publishers and API consumers alike. This transition will entail minor user interface (UI) changes in the Choreo console for your existing components.

Design and Deployment Considerations for Deploying Apache Kafka on AWS

Various factors can impede an organization's ability to leverage Confluent Cloud, ranging from data locality considerations to stringent internal prerequisites. For instance, specific mandates might dictate that data be confined within a customer's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), or necessitate operation within an air-gapped VPC. However, a silver lining exists even in such circumstances, as viable alternatives remain available to address these specific scenarios.