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How DevOps, Xray and Jira Snapshots can get your team into an optimal release cycle

We see a lot of teams working with automated testing, and many feel the need to take the next step in order to optimize and excel in their product release cycle. Prior to implementing DevOps, companies can experience a stall in releases and only make new ones every 6 months. This means that development efforts are not bringing value to users quickly enough. For companies that work in regulated industries, it’s also critical that they set up reporting and traceability into their DevOps pipeline.

Why do we need DataOps Observability?

DevOps was started more than a decade ago as a movement, not a product or solution category. DevOps offered us a way of collaborating between development and operations teams, using automation and optimization practices to continually accelerate the release of code, measure everything, lower costs, and improve the quality of application delivery to meet customer needs.

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Kubernetes Preview Environments - Adoption, Use Cases & Implementations

No matter what application you're building and who your target customers are, everyone can agree that it's critical to avoid broken deployments. To aid in this goal, many tools and concepts have been invented, with Kubernetes preview environments being one of them. In this post, you'll get a deeper understanding of how preview environments work, how organizations are using them, and how you can get started yourself. But to put it simply: preview environments allow teams to deploy a version of their applications during the development process, interacting with it as if it was deployed in production.

Introducing the Koyeb Terraform Provider

Today, we are glad to release the Koyeb Terraform Provider and announce that we are a Hashicorp Technology partner. Terraform has become an essential tool for many developers who manage infrastructure and applications running in the cloud. We are excited to offer our users a way to manage their Koyeb resources using Terraform.

Optimize Kubernetes Performance Part 2: Creating Comparisons

The main idea behind Kubernetes is to create a standardized approach to running containers in the cloud. Whether you’re running AKS on Azure or EKS on Amazon, your cluster should still behave in more or less the same way. But that’s not to say you’re locked in to doing things one way; Kubernetes still offers a lot of flexibility in many cases. This is what experienced engineers take advantage of when trying to optimize Kubernetes performance.

DevOps Configuration Management: How Does it Simplify Configuration Management?

Imagine waking up one day and realizing that the world is nothing more than a computed simulation, and everything is connected to one configuration file. Let’s say you have the exact configuration file of that simulation in your hand. Out of curiosity, you add some text to the configuration file, and BOOM, your appearance change; you grow a bit taller, achieving that dream built of yours. Sounds magical, right? This is what DevOps Configuration Management is about.

Your Go-To Guide to Building CI/CD Pipeline In Azure DevOps

“Good software, like wine, takes time” – Avram Joel Spolsky But do we have that much time? The statement was perfect when SDLC still relied on the waterfall and agile methodologies. But the scenario has drastically changed since then. DevOps is ruling the SDLC world today, and tools supporting the process are everyone’s favorite. And CI/CD is the modern software development practice every DevOps engineer swears by.

Optimize Kubernetes Performance Part 1: Cluster Configurations

Kubernetes is a powerful platform that comes with many features to help engineers run their applications more efficiently. However, as you gain more experience and deploy more workloads, you’ll inevitably start looking for ways to optimize Kubernetes performance. There are many ways to approach optimization. On one hand, you could work exclusively with the tools and configurations provided by Kubernetes itself; on the other, you could reap the benefits of third-party tools.