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Avoid Fragmented Planning with Connected Budgeting and Planning Tools

Imagine the following scenario: You’re building next year’s budget in Microsoft Excel, using current year-to-date actuals that you exported from your enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. You also have this year’s approved budget on hand for reference. During this process, you notice that maintenance and repair expenses were especially high in June and July. That increase wasn’t in the budget, but maybe you should budget for it next year.

Phonexa - Call Management Software for Performance Marketing

Marketing technology is as important for customer retention as it is for acquisition. One of the complex tasks businesses have to deal with today is managing customer experience and getting it right. That’s why brands are always on the lookout for innovative solutions and features that deliver value. Most tasks, including drip campaigns, lead qualification, call tracking, and agent and call scoring, can be automated with the help of marketing technology.

5 Tips for Success in E-Commerce With ERP

Our Five Key Points: E-commerce is bigger than ever, with the pandemic propelling changed shopping habits and easier ways for sellers to get their goods online. As e-commerce becomes more of a driving force in the retail sector, it’s inevitable that online businesses will need the same types of support functions as brick-and-mortar businesses — including a fully functional ERP platform.

GraphQL vs REST API: Which is better for API Observability?

API providers need to observe their APIs to get meaningful data about whether and how they are consumed in practice. API observability is a form of monitoring that passively logs API traffic to an observability service. Different from traditional API monitoring, with API observability you: Monitor interactions to improve developer experience Understand how customers use your API Troubleshoot your API Observing REST APIs is well understood and supported, but not every API is a REST API.

Interview With Director of Data Science, Michael Chang

For our latest expert interview on our blog, we’ve welcomed the Director of Data Science and Machine Learning at Included, Michael Chang. Michael helps measure and optimize workforce diversity and inclusion efforts through data. Prior to Included, Michael worked in various data capacities at Facebook, Teach for America, Interactive Corp, and eBay. Michael also enjoys teaching and is an adjunct instructor for data science at UCLA Extension and Harvard FAS.

How to Detect Memory Leaks in Java

One of the most important features of Java is the built-in garbage collector (GC), which automates memory management. The GC is capable of handling the majority of memory leak issues because it implicitly handles memory allocation and freeing. While the GC is capable of handling a significant amount of memory, it does not provide a guaranteed solution to memory leaks. The GC is intelligent, but not without flaws. Even with the most attentive developer's applications, memory leaks can occur.

Getting Started With Docker Compose and Speedscale CLI

Observability, introspection, logging, and dependency mapping are critical when building APIs. With the advent of microservice architecture, understanding what happens inside your container is vital during development. Speedscale CLI is a container-centric tool that allows you to monitor inbound and outbound traffic. With Speedscale CLI, you can monitor raw requests, latency, encoding, and detected technologies.