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The Modern Data Stack Ecosystem: Spring 2022 Edition

Welcome to the Spring 2022 Edition of the Modern Data Stack Ecosystem. In this article, we’ll provide an in-depth look at the Modern Data Stack (MDS) ecosystem, updated from our Fall 2021 edition. We also highly recommended our article, The Future of the Modern Data Stack, to anyone who is new to the MDS and wants to learn about its history.

Selenium Vs : A Comparison Analysis

QA teams and developers have started shifting focus to an open-source test automation tool and framework. Open-source test automation frameworks incorporate the most effective software testing techniques, tools, assumptions, and libraries that may be utilized by many teams. Aside from Selenium test automation framework, another prominent automation testing tool is

Every Experience Matters: What is the Real Cost of Bad Software?

In the past two weeks, this series has taken a look at how often consumers encounter errors while browsing online and some of the behaviors a user will display when discovering a bug. If you’re new to the party, I’ll encapsulate it here by saying mobile apps are rife with coding issues and the vast majority of consumers have little to no tolerance for low-performing software. What we haven’t discussed yet is the ripple effect of one user encountering a problem.

New Pathways to New Insights

To this point, AI has been applied to augment analytics in a somewhat bifurcated fashion. On one hand, we have seen natural language support the business consumer that requires simple answers to known questions, helping them quickly take action. And, on the other, AI helps content authors and BI developers auto-suggest charts and automate data preparation, improving efficiency and reducing manual workloads. But, there’s a gap, and the value is huge.

Selenium Disadvantages: Why QA Teams Are Going Codeless

Selenium is the oldest and most well-recognized automated testing tool for web apps, so a lot of software teams try it out when they first experiment with automated testing. But most teams quickly run into three Selenium disadvantages: Because of these challenges, many software companies that use Selenium find testing to be a huge drain on time, effort, and resources. That’s why we designed Rainforest QA—to solve the limitations of Selenium and make QA easy to scale and maintain.

The endless capabilities of Storybook

As a developer, I am a massive fan of documentation and (as you can probably tell from my previous blog post) also a big fan of Storybook. If you’re interested in what Storybook is and how to set it up, or integrate it into your existing project, you can find out more about that here. However, in this post, I am going to be outlining why you should be using Storybook and each of its features and capabilities.

Networking, Mentorship and the Value of Conferences

Hello to the Testhouse family! This is what I hope will be the first in a series of blog posts aimed at sharing insights into things I have learned or experienced in my career in testing to date. If you find anything that sparks your interest, or have follow up questions, then please do let me know. This first blog is about mentorship, conferences, and the value of networking; I hope you find taking a few minutes to read this will be time well spent!

What Does Embedded BI Really Mean? OEM Reporting Tools Defined

More people are looking for more efficient BI products to integrate into their applications in 2022, and want to know exactly what embedded BI solutions mean for their users. This article will define embedded BI, explain its growth in popularity among software users, and why we suggest Yellowfin as your embedded BI solution for better analytics.